Ch.5 Chill day

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Mitchie Pov
Once i got back to the hotel last night, I fell asleep right away. So I didn't realize till the morning that at about 2am, I had gotten a text from an unknown number saying she had fun dancing with me and that we should hang out again and then i got another text at like 8am saying that it was Victoria and that she was sorry to text me so late in the night.

Victoria (girl from the club)
M: Hey, yeah, don't even worry about it also sorry I just woke up 😅
V: Lol, all good. How'd you sleep, Mitchie
M: I slept actually pretty well. What about you, Vic
V: it definitely took me a while to fall asleep, but it happened eventually

We continued texting for a few more minutes, and then she sadly had to go to practice so she couldn't text anymore.
So I decided i wanted to look her up on Instagram, which i figured might be hard since I only knew her first name. But it was actually kinda easy to find who I assumed was her cause it looked like her in the pfp, but it was also a verified account. To my surprise, it was definitely her once I clicked on her profile, and Damn she's even prettier, then I realized. I mean, in a lot of the photos, she was half naked, but I mean last night she was wearing a shirt that only was a little longer than an average bra. Also, in her bio, there was a band listed Måneskinofficial. Do I decide to go to there page the band name sounded vaguely familiar. They mainly had pictures of them during what it looked like to be at their concert, which seemed to be pretty packed with people and as much as i didn't want to internet stalk them it was to late I was down a rabbit hole and wasn't going to be getting out of it any time soon. So I looked them up on Google, and yup, that's why they looked so familiar that they had won ESC 2021 (Eurovision Song Contest 2021) that's why Damiano had looked so familiar I remember watching Eurovision that year with my family and I didn't know of the band then, and I thought they did good but hasn't heard of the band before that. After the internet stalking them a tiny bit more and decided to follow them all on Instagram.

I decided to take a phone break and go hang with Michael for a few hours. we watched a few episodes of a show on Netflix we just watched on my computer. Then I took just him out to the little cafe I found yesterday, and we had lunch there and just went to chill out because i knew tomorrow would probably be a hard day for Michael because that's the day of dad's funeral so I wanted to make him just forget about for a few hours and it did work until we got back to the hotel and Ma and Marco were talking about it

At about 6 pm, I just went to bed. I didn't eat. I was just done for the day and wanted to sleep because I knew tomorrow I we were all be with even more family, and I wanted to be well rested
AH, okay, chapter 5 is done. What are we thinking

I know it was short. I kinda rushed ngl, but I hope yall still liked it

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