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  In the forest there lives 12 creatures. First are the humans or villagers that live in the cabins or other sorts of homes that those humans come up with. And then the sirens, they are women that are half fish and bird. When they sing there song the person listening will get side tracked and follow the siren that is singing. Next are the fairies, they are humans that have wings and can fly any where they wish. There are many types of fairies like nature or fire and such. And then there are the Minotaurs that are human half deer. They can sometimes have horns and they also have deer like legs. They can control the things around them such as leaves or lift a book (or also known as telekinesis). And then the krakens that are humans half octopus. They are one of many guardians in the sea that are very large in size and are very very powerful. Next are the Arachnes that are humans half spider. They are mostly nightmare fuel to many but can be oddly friendly and kind. Along with moths that are also quite friendly unless you are threatening them. They are humans half moths. Next is the Lamia which are humans half snake. They can be very poisonous when you interact with them. And then a Demon. They control the underworld and there blood is made of lava. Next is the forest beeing. They are humans dressed as trees and can only talk and move there arms but can't move from place to place, however they know almost anything. And lastly the vampires. They are humans half bat that suck blood from humans and animals alike.

"Why don't you stay?" He says "it's a full moon today." The pin drop falls to the floor. She fell to the floor covering her mouth. Was it really the boy? Could it be that he is still out there? She runs in the forest and bumps into a tree. "Ow" the girl says rubbing her head. That hurt like hell. She turns her self to lay on her back and looks up through the trees. The sun was shining on her face. "Good morning sun! No more full moon unfortunately ." She says sarcastically. She closes her eyes and doses off to sleep.

"Wake up!" a voice says. She opens her eyes and sees her mother hovering over her. Her mother grabs her arm and pulls her up. "I told you not to run off! Let's go your filthy." The mother says pulling her to the cabin up ahead of them.

My name is Kara and this is my fantasy. I had been born in a cabin as giant as a mansion in the forest with my whole family living inside as well. It was a house that was called "The safe house." When I turned 17 just yesterday my mother has wanted me to find a man to marry one day to keep the family generation and have recently found a rich boy from just a couple blocks from our home. And I have been sneaking out to escape from the traumatic family arrangement.

"Kara! Get over here now!" A man's voice says very mad. When she walks in the house she runs in the halls toward the door that the man's voice was coming from. "Sit." He says very violently. He stands up and walks up to her. Then he puts his hand under her chin. "I told you to listen, what did you do? You didn't listen." She fidgets with her hands while looking at the floor. He looks at her and fangs start to grow from his teeth. "If you don't listen you'll be my meal for tomorrow." He says. He stands up straight again and opens a drawer from his desk. It was a wine bottle full of blood. He took a wine glass from his desk and spilled the wine into the glass. He grabs it on the handle. He then takes a sip of the glass feeling so refreshed. "Get out already." He says. She jumps out of the chair and dashes out of the room and then closes the door. She was breathing so hard and tried to calm herself as best as she can. "Hiya, you alright?" A boy says. It was the man she is going to marry soon. "Oh, I'm fine." She says smiling. "I just want to say that I didn't agree to marry you. You seem like you don't want to so I want to let you know I don't either." He wanted to make sure she knew that he didn't want to marry her because he doesn't feel in love with her. "That's alright I don't either but we can be friends!" Kara says. "Yeah,oh and I'm Avian." "I'm Kara, nice to meet you." They shake hands and then he walks off not saying anything more. Once the conversation ended she walked to her room and opened the window next to her. She walked outside and lied on the grass floor. She closes her eyes and imagines what had happened before.

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