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|| oneshot story ||


"Ugh.. what the—" Solar rubbed her eyes. Trying to wake up completely from her sleep. There is something heavy that pressed against her body.

When she looked at it. An infants—just turned one year old last month—his pair of crimson eyes starred at her, its look like the baby was waiting for her to wake up since earlier. "Eng..? Supra? Where is your daddy? Is he left you here all alone?"

The woman hugged her baby in her arms, caressed his soft hair softly. She looked at the clock, its 3 p.m, realized how long she took a rest after stayed up late for her work—mission report as usual.

"Ma!" The baby called her, seeking his mother attention. "Aww my dear baby..! I'm so sorry, mommy can't spend her time with you" Solar snuggled to Supra. Kissing every inch his face.

"Are you hungry, my dear? Want to change your diapers? Or.. want to play?" Solar asked. She knows that she's barely spending her time with Supra, her son, because of works.

But Supra doesn't want anything that Solar offers. His father already did that to him. The infants yawns, it looks like it was time for his nap time. He then leaned to her mother, looking for comfort.

Solar sighned. It's always like that, when she wakes up, her son is sleep. But when she is sleeping, her son is wakes up. A lot of job risks. But when the job is done, the woman can spend her time with the child for 24 hours.

Well at least, her son is still looking after her to get sleep in her arms.

"Hah.. i'm sorry Supra. Mommy promise, mommy will finnish her works so she can play with you again"

Supra just mumbled to respond his mother.

"Alright, before you take a nap. How about i read you a bedtime story" Solar then opened her nightstand drawer to take out a children's story book.

"Ah! There you are, Supra!!"

Suddenly, Thunderstorm appeared out of nowhere. He was a little out of breath from the panic of losing track of Supra. His wife rised her right eyebrow, "what do you mean?"

Thunderstrom walked towards her, and sat on edge of the bed, next to his wife. "I was looking for him. We were playing hide and seek, but suddenly he taleport to somewhere to hide. I'm afraid that he would teleport to a far away place—or even space?!—remembering that he inherited our powers"

Solar's jaw dropped, after hearing how fast Supra's power development. "Eumm.. should i make a tracker for our son? So we can find him easily"

"Well, i guess so" Thunderstorm leaning his head on his wife's shoulder, resting himself from looking for Supra. "Hmm? Did you just wake up your mom from her rest?" He patted his son's hair playfully.

"Looks like he miss me" Solar chuckled.

"Hm so do i.." Thunderstorm intensely looked at his wife's silver eyes. Ready to kiss her plumpy lips.

"No!" But sadly, Solar rejected him. "No kissing infront a child!" her face completely red.

"What?! C'mon. It's not like he would understand!"

Thunderstrom still trying to kiss his wife. But Solar just to embarrassed to kissing infront her son, well any child in general.

"Okay okay, i won't kiss you" Thunderstorm was a bit upset.

"Now, stop being upset. I will read my baby a bedtime story" She said, as she opened the book.

After a while she read the story, Supra finally sleep. Solar stand up from her bed, and place her son in his baby crib. The woman then tucked her son.

After taking care of her little baby, it's time to taking care of her big baby. She turned around to see her husband still sulking from earlier. Solar walked towards Thunderstorm.

"Hahh.. alright. You can kiss me now—wah?!" when she was about to open her arms so he can hug her. But instead, Thunderstrom pulled her to lying on the bed. Pressed her body down against the bed.

"You don't know how much i want to kiss you right now.." He whispered on her right ear. Make her tickle little. She then chuckled, "well you now are allowed to kiss me. But, just once!" She said in playfully tone.

But he doesn't upset, he smirked, "if you said so, i will make the kiss forever" he pressed his lips on hers. Kissing her slowly. Solar puted her arms around his neck, pulled him more closer to her. And at the end, both of them are enjoying the slowly kiss that Thunder said he would make it last forever.

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