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I come here in order to pass on some basic information, first that this book is written in the first person where the protagonists told the stories one at a time. Sometimes in the same chapter, sometimes in different chapters, but at the beginning of each narration it will have the name of who is speaking.

Second, the book will be composed in parts, for now, I deduced that it will be three parts and at each end of a part 2 weeks of waiting to post the beginning of the new part, this may change as I see the progress of the book and my time.

Third, it will be one chapter per week, published every Friday, if the chapter is divided into two parts it will still have its parts published on the same day. And I plan to make a unique book.

That's what I had to tell you, I really hope you enjoy the story, and don't forget to comment so I know what you think! Thank you so much for reading this far and see you two weeks after the trailer was posted!


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