Chapter 24 - Dark

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— Eyder —

"Wait, what do you mean?" I asked.

"He had to look people straight in the eye, and he could see his ability."

"How do you know that?" I asked.

"He told me."

"Why?" I asked again.

"Because I told you I didn't understand my ability; after all, I don't know if you noticed, but I have several."

"Yes... And that shouldn't be possible. Each one can only have one special ability, which usually develops until they are 7 years old. The rarest cases are of people who only develop it at age 15. They say it's the maximum. But it's usually up to 7 years old," I said.

"I developed mine when I was 4 years old, and I don't even remember how it went. But I know it happened, and it's always been like that, when I realized I already had more than four; maybe my ability is to steal the skill of others and perfect; couldn't that be it?"

"You could, but how do you steal those skills?" Reid asked.

"With your eyes?"

"We're going to keep this hypothesis alive, but we're going to think about other possibilities. Another strange thing is that usually, until the age of 13, we understand our abilities. We give her a name," I said.

"I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I still don't understand my ability, and since I've been over 13 for a long time, I don't think the normal rules apply to me."

"Well, we're sure of that," Reid said. "Because before you were sent to the dome, you already had more than one skill."

My head was about to combust. The part about her stealing the ability made the most sense so far; only I still had my ability, so wouldn't it be splitting? I didn't understand. I was hoping that in the future we would be able to find out.

"I don't think we're going to get anywhere else; what do you think about going to dinner?" Reid asked.

"Let's go," Ayra and I said together.

"I'll get my keys," she said, heading towards her room.

"My sister's power is certainly not that simple," he told me with a frown. He didn't want to say that to his sister; that's what I felt; maybe he thought that her knowing that her power is so much more than that was bad for her. Or who knows, only God knows what he was thinking at that moment, because neither Lina nor Ayra were there to say it.

"I don't think so either. Actually, I think it's much more than that," I said, also creasing between my eyebrows. I knew for a fact that it had to be so much more.

Ayra appeared and we smiled immediately, as if nothing had happened in her absence. Then I wondered if she would be reading our thoughts at that moment. She didn't answer me so, maybe, no. We went down in the first elevator, and in the second elevator, which led to all the other floors, I couldn't take it anymore and asked what bothered me:

"Ayra, do you read thoughts like Lina?"

Reid looked at me in amazement, his expression asking me what I was asking, but it was a valid question.

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