Chapter 38 - Third

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— Eyder —

I felt that our mission was getting closer and closer, which was okay since now Ayra and I, in addition to being in perfect harmony, had also been trained a lot, so we were very sharp for what the mission was. And I thought that Reid would send us soon since there was a good chance that the government would know our location, and the worst thing was that we couldn't disguise Reid's guilt in this situation too much since he was the one who wanted to get rid of me without even taking a good look at the mission. But I wasn't going to throw it in his face.

I was lost in thought when a girl with snowy hair and eyes that looked like diamonds stepped out of the elevator, which immediately snapped me out of my inert state. A smile formed on my lips; I couldn't contain it. She saw me and walked toward me.

"Were you able to talk to him?" I asked.

"I did it," she replied with a smile.

"Do you want to go somewhere?"

"Why don't we go for a walk? From what I see of the movements, we will soon go on that mission."

"I noticed that too; do you think it's going to be more than the two of us?"

"I don't think it's necessary; the two of us are undoubtedly the strongest here."

"That may be true..."

"It's true," I interrupted her.

She put a finger on my lips.

"Listen to me; we may be the strongest in the world, but you can't defend yourself against that alone. If we fall into a trap, we can get stuck once again, and they can prepare for us. I don't know if it's any use all that they've studied in me, but they have a lot of information about me, and they know my weakness. Do you think I lived a good part of my life selling, only taking it out in the moments of my studies, just because they were repulsed by my eyes?

"Is there anyone in this world who is disgusted by your eyes?" I asked with a flirtatious smile.

"There is, and more than you think. But you know what I mean? The skill we have isn't everything."

"I get it."

I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the town hall. When we had reached the beach, I pulled her to me, and unable to take it any longer, I took her by the waist, felt a slight shock, but ignored it, and then kissed her. Our lips touched, causing an explosion of sensations.

And we stayed there until the moment we were forced to go back so Reid wouldn't kill me.

Two weeks passed.

— Ayra —

Me and Eyder were in such a workout that every day seemed more unnecessary, but still, I had to make sure that I didn't fail at a crucial moment. Eyder looked at me, looked at me as if to size me up, and I frowned.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing; I just wonder if you notice that you get even more wonderfully concentrated; it's like a goddess thinking about what your next act would be."

I was starting to get used to Eyder's compliments, so I just smiled, but he didn't seem pleased. From the look in his eyes, it made me want to read his mind, but I wasn't going to do that.

"You know, when you just smile, I even hope that you've finally understood your beauty. But doubt always remains. Now tell me what you were thinking so much about."

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