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~ Let's go back to the moment when Shadow came to his station...~

The gloomy hedgehog was sitting at the computer, which successfully turned out to be in his zone, and was looking for a suitable site. But when he decided to take a break, his scarlet eyes noticed a large bunch of golden keys. He became interested, so he took them with him. He decided to go to the door in the direction of the casino, and when the key was inserted into the hole, the doors opened. The hedgehog found this an entertaining activity, since he did not look at all the cars much, and immediately went to another zone.

When the door closed behind the black and scarlet hedgehog, another one opened, from the side of the closet...

First person, Shadow:

I went into the casino area, and as far as I remember, Rouge and Blaze are sitting here. Then I need to look around.

The first thing that caught my eye were slot machines and large gambling tables. I walked around the car for a while and stopped at the table, noticing the familiar Eggman symbol on the chip. Since when has Eggman been in charge of trains? Although gambling is his passion, but I didn't think that anyone uses such chips. The whole atmosphere set up the right mood, as well as the color palette, with which one familiar cat, Blaze, merged. When she noticed that I was looking at her, she decided to come up to me.

- Hi, Shadow, why are you opening the cars? Or is it chaos control? - The girl looked at me contemptuously, flashing golden eyes.

- I found the keys, here - I took one key off the ring and threw it into her hand, and she looked at me.

- Well, thank you. - Blaze looked away from me and looked at the door, next to which Ciao was sitting in a mustache and sunglasses. A strange sight.

- What is this door? - I asked.

- The elevator, but it is guarded - the girl looked in the same direction as me.

- It doesn't matter, I'll go on, good luck - I walked past her, approaching the next zone.

- Yeah. - she went to the vending machines.

So we parted, and I remembered that Rouge should be with her, but where is she? But when I opened the door to another room, it became clear to me that no one was closing the door behind them. Well, we need to teach them the rules of safety, especially if we are playing a murder mystery.

When I got into the next car, I shed a few tears, because it was brighter here than in the casino. Damn it, why were there no windows, and here they shine like lanterns? I still managed to make out the room that was the library. There were probably more than three hundred books about all sorts of stuff. But I was wondering, where are Espio and Vector? They're supposed to be here. Well, or they left, like Rouge... Well, after looking at the neatly arranged books for a while, I went to another door, and finally looked around the library again, and finding no one, I went to the next zone.

As a result, I ended up in some kind of bar, in which I immediately managed to recognize several familiar faces, Knuckles, Rouge and Vector. I think two people are playing, and the bat is just laughing at them.

- What are you doing here? - I turned to two.

- I came here because I was bored! - the crocodile did not break away from the game, moving the joysticks mercilessly further.

- And I was looking for something, but I'll be leaving soon - Rouge drank a little from the glass she had collected - and what about you? Decided to take a walk?

- I found the keys to the cars, so I decided to look around. Oh, yes, catch it - I threw two keys to Knuckles, since Vector was still playing.

- Damn it! Almost got to the most interesting part! - crocodile exclaimed, gently hitting the machine so as not to break it.

- I want to try - I went to the slot machine and started studying the joysticks, and soon I started the game. I had to see the faces of two guys to understand that they were jealous of my game, and I scored about 7,400 something points.

- Knuckles! We need to beat Shadow! - Vector grabbed a holder.

- I think there will be nothing more interesting here, goodbye, boys ~ - Rouge got up and went to the exit of the car.

- I'll go further - approaching the car where the dining room should be, I grabbed the door sharply, as the train began to shake violently, even Vector fell to the floor, and Knuckles held on to the table.

After a few seconds, everything went quiet, and I let go of the door. What the hell is this?

- Wow! As if someone had caused an earthquake! - crocodile stood up, holding his side, and looked at Knuckles - sorry, buddy, but I'm going, I don't want Espio to tell me off.

- Okay, good luck - Knuckles gave the key to Vector, who at first did not understand why he needed it, but then seemed to remember about me and got out of the car. We were left alone.

- What are you going to do? - I turned to the echidna, who asked a question and looked at me.

- I'll ask the waiter for something, that's all - I closed the door and went to the dining room.

Tables were destroyed everywhere, dishes were broken in some places, but I noticed the tips of blue needles at the far table and hurried there. After all, he plays his role well, right?

- So you were killed? I even wonder who chose you as a victim - I examined the faker, and for some reason, I felt strange or... Anxious? I couldn't let go of a strange feeling, I unconsciously reached for the needles of the faker. They stabbed through the glove, but I managed to calm down a little. What kind of alarm is this? Maybe I overexcited? Although, what could be the reasons for this? Because of a fake? It's stupid, but I listened to the blue hedgehog, he's breathing, but weakly. "Is he really okay?" flashed through my mind. Come on, nothing will break him, he's my opponent, he's definitely playing his role. Although it's strange, why did he start to worry me? I'll just leave.

But... I touched his cheek. It's strange that I feel unusual, because we always touch each other during fights, but now it's so awkward, what will he think? But he doesn't move, and I just touch him a little... God, Shadow! You Are A Ultimate Life Form! What are you thinking about?! I took my hand away from his face, but with the edges of my fingers I felt the blue ear, and then let it go. God, what was that just now? My cheeks warmed up a little, but the faker apparently adheres to his role of the "deceased" so much that he did not react to me in any way. I guess I looked at everything I could.

But right now it's not the hedgehog that worries me, it's the train. He seems strange too. For example, the same Eggman chips, or hands, although I don't think that hands are any proof to my theory. It's strange that someone uses something that reminds of a great villain, damn it, there's even a book with his biography here, who wrote it?! It will be strange to look from the outside at someone who admires someone who can manipulate this person at any moment. And, unfortunately, I became one of those. But now everything is different, and I think I won't hide that Sonic and his friends really helped me.

I looked at the faker. Since when did we become rivals at all? Since then, when I woke up, but it was because of that, I was being hung up on my ears, and now? Now, we are rivals. Do I really want to be a fake's rival? Hm... I need a distraction.

I heard the door opening, and tensed up, standing in a fighting stance.

- Oh, my God! - the girl shouted when she saw the lying Sonic - Shadow, did you really kill my dear Sonikku?~ - I flinched when she uttered the phrase.

"Shadow, are you a killer?"


Wow! 1 day and a piece of the night! I think this is progress. Well, I'm going to bed.

Thanks for the 2 votes!

Glitch Knuckles

A story on the train... [SONADOW FANFIC]Where stories live. Discover now