Coming back...

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"Annie, are you sure you want to do this? We've been here since six in the morning, it's been two hours already.You should be resting not standing here. You know there is easier ways to do this, please Annie!" Younglee looks worried at the girl next to him. He's been Annie's friend for almost four years, ever since she started her dancing studio in LA in America. Now she's back here giving it all up, all her dreams she worked so hard for, to be here in Seoul.
Her mother was an American actress and while traveling met her farther who was in Seoul in South Korea. They fell in love and got married and started Chen Entertainment, being the most popular company in the world for it's Idols. They had two children, Yunho as his fathers image, black hair and brown eyes and a real charmer under the girl's. Annie on the other hand was all her mother, long blonde hair with blue eyes.
Wearing tight fit jeans and a black top she's catching the eye of everyone today. At only 19 years old she is the strongest girl he knows and from today on her life will change completely.
"Are you daydreaming? I am sorry that you are here with me, but you know why I am doing this and I need to do it the way everyone else does. This is for my brother..the last thing I can do for him, so please understand.."
Seeing Annie's eyes fill with tears again just makes him more angry as to why she is here.
"Eish, Annie! I'm just worried about you, you don't don't eat enough and your health is deteriorating everyday. These fan signing events are time consuming and you have an important day tomorrow".

Meanwhile at the signing table on stage...

Jay, Kyung and Min-Jun are waiting for the next person in line to come up to them for an autograph. They are the most popular idol group in Chen Entertainment and gained a lot of followers over the past year.
Jay is the favorite of all the girl's as the main vocalist and dancer. His green eyes and black hair that falls perfectly over his face makes the crowd today go crazy.
"Hey, Kyung remember how I always say I won't ever give up my career for a girl?" Jay asks nudging him with his elbow. "Well, I think I changed my mind!" Pointing directly towards Annie.
"Yeah, not everyday you see a beautiful girl like her in Seoul. She's definitely not from here. Are you asking her phone number?" He gives Jay a smirk.
"Absolutely!" Jay smiles back
Waiting impatiently it is finally Annie's turn at the table. Handing a Brown hardcovered designer diary, not fitting to her image, to Min-Jun who will sign first. Seeing her tear filled eyes he asked her if she was okay and she just nods a yes and moves on. He hands the diary to Kyung to sign and with questionable face gives it to Jay. Jay watches the girl in front of him...such a pretty girl yet she looks so sad...why? He signs the diary and decides to add a little heart and his phone number. Wanting to see the expression on her face, he looks up. It's not what he expected. She is very pale and tears are now freely running down her face. Jay gets up from his chair and walks around the table towards Annie, waving back the bodyguard who wants to follow.
He puts his hands on her shoulders turning her around to face him, the crowd watching his every move.
"Hey, baby girl...are you okay?"
Younglee rushed over to Annie as soon as he sees Jay approaching her and quickly gets in-between them.
"She will be fine! Let's go Annie!" He takes the diary from the table and leads Annie by the arm down the stairs and through the crowd of curious people staring at them.
Jay still dumbfounded about what just happened, shakes his head 'OH.. you're not getting away that easily!' He thinks to himself as he makes his way through the screaming crowd towards Annie.
"Hey, wait! Please wait a minute!" He calls out waving at Younglee as he was about to start the luxurious car Annie is sitting in.
Seeing Jay waving like a madman he gets out of the car and meets him halfway.
"Did we forget something?" Younglee asks irritated
"No, why is she crying? What is wrong with her?"
"What is wrong with her? You let her sound like a nutcase! Nothing is wrong with her, she is crying happy tears!"
"Wow, then that is the saddest happy tears I have ever seen!" Jay says getting frustrated with the arrogant guy in front of him.
"Look, Annie is going through a tough time at the moment. Three months ago she lost her parents and brother in a car accident and she is still recovering from her own injuries. After the funeral she found her brothers diary and the last entry he made was that he wanted your autograph."
" she was not here as a fan, but to make her brothers last wish come true?"
Yes..sorry, but I have to go now." Younglee turns around and walks back to the car.
"Are you her boyfriend?" Jay can't help asking
"No...and I don't think she wants one right now!"

Jay get a wicked smile on his face 'you're not her boyfriend...that's good. Will she call? No...damn! It was her brothers diary, she might never open it after today! How can I see her again? Who are you Annie? Don't you worry...I will find a way'.

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