Finding love again...

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It's been two hourssinve she left Seongwa in the room, but he hasn't come down yet, so Annie decides to take him something to eat and drink. She knock on the door and enters the room. Seongwa looks up at Annie with red, swollen eyes from all the crying.
"Hey, Seongwa..I can't imagine what you must be going through now, I am really sorry that I had to show you all of this. My brother was going to propose to you the night after the concert, that's why he invited all of us to be there. He loved you so much and I am sure that If he had a choice he would never leave you".
She place the tray with food on the bedside table and sits down next to Seongwa hugging him tightly.
"You take all the time you need, cry as much as you want to get through this. I need to see you smiling again after this, okay! I want you to be happy again like me ...I need my friend back..".
She gets off from the bed and with one last look at Seongwa she walks out of the room to join the others down stairs.

After having fun for a few more hours in the pool it's starting to get dark outside.
"I think it's time to get the movie started. I'll get the popcorn and drinks and meet you in the living room". Annie announced getting out of the pool followed by Jay.
In the kitchen he takes Annie into his arms.
"Babygirl...what is bothering you?"
"I'm just worried about Seongwa. I don't know what to do! I've seen him like this only once in my life and that's when his mom died and he almost died in hospital. I can't let it happen again! He didn't eat any of the food I've taken him and he's not talking to me at all! I don't know how to help him! I don't know what to do!".
"Hey, my's okay! Maybe talking to you makes him feel worse because you are Yunho's sister and you lost so much more ...Maybe we get someone else to talk to him, someone with an outside view of the situation..".
"He won't tolerate just anyone and making friends is not his strong point. He used to talk to me about everything bothering him or when he is sad...but today, today there is nothing!".
"I have a friend who studied psychology he might be the only one that can help him. Let me give him a call and let's see what happens, okay?".
Jay takes hus phone from his pocket and walks out of the kitchen to call his friend, returning after a few minutes. Taking Annie into his arms again.
"He will be here soon! He is also one of the Idols in your company, you might have seen his file...his name is Tae. He once stumbled upon a girl trying to commit suicide and talked her from jumping of a building even before the police arrived on the scene. His dream is becoming a negotiator after he is do e being an idol. If anyone can will be him, so stop worrying, okay".
He gives her a kiss and help her carry the drinks and popcorn to the living room.
Half an hour later the doorbell breaks the silence..
Annie and Jay both get up to open the door.
Annie takes a good loom at the guy standing in front of her. Definitely a charmer under the girl's and boys..scaringly handsome with his dark blue eyes and black hair falling perfectly over his face. Dressed in black ripped jeans and white jacket he deserves his popularity as an idol.
"Like what you see?" Tae interrupted Annie's thoughts smiling.
"Oh, I am sorry! I have a bad habit of reading people from what I see. I am rude..please come in".
He walks past Annie into the house holding his hand out to Jay.
"Hey, Jay..long time no see!"
"Hey, you are so famous now and touring the world...heard you came back from London a few hours ago".
"Yeah, the tour was amazing, but we are exhausted! At least we are taking a two week break now thanks to our new CEO here changing our contracts. Thank you, Annie. You must be Annie, right?" He looks at Annie nodding yes "I've heard a lot about the new power girl at the company. I am pleased to finally meet you."
"Yes, I am Annie, but to my friends I am just Annie so in the future please feel free to call me by name".
"Well, just Annie you have made quite an impression on everyone! So, back to business what is the story with your friend? Just to warn you from the start...I'm not into girls...I like boys, but I will help your friend if I can!".
"Thank you for being honest, but my friend is a ..."
Jay quickly covers Annie's mouth with his hand. "Our friend is a bit shy and lost a friend in a car accident and only found out today that he was going to propose the day he died. She's not taking it well and didn't eat or drink anything the whole day and just stayed in the room. I will buy you that 1000 dollar bottle of wine you want if you can just help a bit, or ask anything you want".
"What, you're paying me now? I'll do this as a friend".
"I've made some hot chocolate...her favorite" Annie plays along to Jay's joke. "Thank you again for doing this".
"I'll do what I can to help your friend, now show me the room"


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