Making friends...

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Younglee picks up Annie early the next morning at her house.
"Morning, Annie...feeling better?"
"Good morning, yes much better thank you. Are you ready for today?"
Hesitantly Annie gets into the car. This is the worst part of her day...after the accident...she hates the driving. She grabs the safety belt with shaking hands and leans her head back with closed eyes as Younglee starts the car.
'How she misses Seongwa right now...he's been her best friend since..well since forever, but she pushed him away when she actually needed him most and when he needed her. After the funeral she didn't see him or hear from him again and it's all her fault. How could she be so mean to him? She misses his soft encouraging smile, his always shining blue eyes, his little too long blonde hair that caused his somewhat mysterious look'.
"Hey, Annie! Are you still with me or on another planet? You're going to have a very tough day as the new CEO of Chen Entertainment. Are you up for it?" He looks at Annie's stressed out face
"Ai, do you even deserve this? You are suppose to have fun with friends, break some hearts, follow your own dreams...not this! Maybe we should hire someone to help you, your Father at least had your Mom and Yunho".
"Yes he did, but I have you! You've been running the company on your own for the past few months and you've done a great job. You're the only one I can trust except for Seongwa and I don't need anyone else. I will make my parents and brother proud and grow this company as they intended, but I can only do it with your help".
Annie falls silent again thinking about Seongwa who was her comfort zone, when she felt down like this he would take her shopping and get their hair and nails done and just relax with no care in the world. She could talk to him for hours on end. He also had a very special relationship with her brother...if she only knew. Things could have been so different, but fate had other plans for them.
Annie's thoughts are interrupted by the car stopping.
"Annie, we're here."

Annie walks into the building followed by Younglee. As they walk past the reception desk eyes of admiration follows the young brave girl with her ripped blue jeans and light blue shirt, her long blonde braided hair falling over her shoulder. She will have her hands full today.

Meeting after meeting Annie showed everyone why she would be a great leader. She worked through all staff contracts, changing working hours and salaries. Reviewed all the contracts they have with each idol, their tours, salaries and tour schedules and amended for the better. She also approved a lot of new trainees that were on waiting lists.
It's almost five in the afternoon when she finally puts down the last of her work. She rubs her eyes with the palms of her hands and stretches her arms. 'Now I need a distraction! I'll change clothes and go down to the dancing studio to clear my head.'

At the dancing studio...
She starts playing her favorite song 'Serendipity' and let the music flow through her body and with every beat of the music the tears runs down her face as she remembers everything she has lost.
Kyung, Jay and Min-Jun are on their way to the dancing studio after doing recordings all day and need to practice their choreography for the new song.
Jay stops in his tracks looking confused.
"Is that music I'm hearing? Someone is practicing at this time?"
Kyung also stopped to listen.
"I thought we are the only ones left in the building, aren't the other groups on tour?"
They speed up their walk to see who is playing music. At the big glass window of the dancing studio they come to a sudden stop, staring intently at the girl dancing with so much passion and emotion.
Jay can't help but admire her. "Wow, she's good!'s the same girl from yesterday! I knew it...I knew I would see her again!"
"Don't you think she's a bit out of your league? You know that she is our new boss, right! I've been wondering since this morning why she stood in line to get our autographs when she could just call us to her office and get it and why didn't.."
Kyung suddenly gets interrupted, they never noticed the music stopped playing and Annie standing right next to them while they are debating on her decisions.
"First, because I wanted to experience what you and your fans go through at these events. If there is something I can change to make it better or easier for you and your fans and secondly, because I will never use my position as CEO to get what I want or use it to undermine anyone. I will work for it just like everyone else."
Jay is the first to get his shocked body working again and turns to Annie.
"I'm so sorry, Kyung didn't mean like that we were just curious. We loved loved your dancing " He changes the subject quickly " would you like to watch us practice and give us some advice on our weak points?"
"Sorry, but no! I've taken enough of your time already. I need to go now, bye!"
Annie starts walking down the hallway as fast as she can.
"Hey, Annie!"
She froze on the spot by hearing Jay calling her by name.
"Would you like to go with us to the theme park tomorrow? You're new here and I think you can do with a few friends...please?"
"I don't know.. I haven't been out for a while and ..."
"Please, Annie! We promise to take you home whenever you want to, please?"
"What time are you leaving?"
"At nine, will you go?"
"I will think about it!"
Annie runs down the hallway to the living quarters of Chen Entertainment where all the Idols stay so that they can be protected by the journalists and crazy fans.
She decided this morning to stay here for now to avoid the driving from her house everyday. Younglee didn't like the idea at all, but eventually gave in. He's always so protective over her just like Yunho and Seongwa.
In her room she takes a shower and unpacks her clothes. Exhausted after all that happened today she falls on the bed.
'Seongwa where are you? I miss you so much! I want to make things right with you and apologize for the way I acted and all the hurtful things I said to you. I will find out where you are on tour and when you're coming back and I will fix this!.' With all these thoughts going through her head she falls asleep.

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