To love...

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Tae knocks on the door, but gets no answer and enters the room. The room is dark inside but he can see a small figure sitting on the bed resting his legs on his knees head down. He can't see the face at all because the oversized hood falls over it. His eyes adjusted to the light and he can make out the pink socks and well looked after hands and purple nail polish, it all fits perfectly together. He takes a seat next to the figure on the bed.
'She's  still crying, how can he talk to her?'
He places his hands on her back patting it lightly.
"Hi..I am Tae a friend of Jay...I am sorry but I don't  even know your it okay if I sit with you a while?"
He gets no answer just crying.
"I probably are intruding in your privacy right now and I know you just feel like you want to be alone with your thoughts. The best way to deal with what you are going through now is to talk about to your friends or to a stranger, but don't keep it inside. I really not trying to hit on you or anything...I am I am just here as a friend, okay?" He still gets no response and continues. "I can't picture myself in your situation, what happened to you is unimaginable and you must feel like your whole world is falling apart"
Seongwa stops crying without Tae noticing and just listens to what he is saying.
"You must be hurting so much and helps to ease the pain for now. I can't heal your broken heart or take away you feelings, but I will listen to you and comfort you in the best way I can. You have good friends in this house too who will give anything to see you smile again. Healing from something like this is going to tike will not happen today or tomorrow and the memories of what happened will always be with you, but you have to be strong and take time to work it through and deal with it the best way you can. I will be here if you need someone to cry on or just someone to hold or..."
Tae suddenly feels two arms wrapping around his waist and him placing their head on his chest and started to cry all over again.
"'s  okay! Everything is going to be okay! I will be right here, I will not leave u okay. You can even hit me or scream at me if you are angry...I will take it...anything that will make you feel better. The only thing you cannot ask of me is to let you be alone. If I do that your hurting and loneliness will get worse and it will keep you from living again. It will consume you and you might not recover from that".
Tae stops talking noticing the now motionless hand lying on his lap and with a smile on his face realized that she has fallen asleep. He slowly leans back to let her head down on the pillow and the hood falls revealing Seongwa's face.
"Oh, my gosh!" He looks in shock at this  beautiful person in his arms.
''re actually a boy...I should have known something was up with Jay'
He takes his hand and gently strokes back some hair the fell over Seongwa's  face.
'His skin is so can someone so perfect on the outside be so broken inside? I will help you get throught this, there's so many things I can show you that will help you mend your shattered heart. There's  still  so many good things left in life. I will be going out for a while, but I promise I will be get some rest now".
Tae gets up from the bed walking out of the room, closing the door behind him. He leans against  the closed door and close his eyes.
'What's going on with me! I told myself long ago I was never going to let my heart go crazy like this! I cannot let this happen again...I have to let it go...will I be able to? I don't even know him and ...No! How is this even heart is telling me different!'

Annie and Jay looks up when they hear Tae coming down the stairs. Jay knows Tae very well and can see something about him has changed...
'Is he mad at them? Maybe he should have told him, but he's been single for so long, after his ex cheated on him he never went out with anyone and didn't  trust people at all. He always kept busy with work and always had excuses not to join them on a night out. Maybe he and Seongwa can help each other".
Jay looks worried at Tae..
"Are you okay? Look, I'm sorry I didn't tell you it was a guy, but I'm sure you would not have come here if I told you."
"It's okay...if I knew wouldn't be here...but..Now I am glad I did. It's  been such a long time that I felt like this by just looking at someone and it's  driving  me nuts! What the he'll were you thinking! I know what I want now!".
Jay and Annie looks confused at Tae's reaction.
"Yeah...this is going to be an expensive round, sorry I tricked you! I promised you anything so just name it!"
With a smile on his face he replies.
"I want him!"
Jay and Annie stares at Tae and then at each other, not sure if they heard correctly.
"Excuse me...what!?" Annie shocked on her popcorn.
"He's sleeping now. I am going out, but will be back!"
Jay grabs him by the arm when he wants to
walk past.
"Wait, where are you going it's late!"
"I'm going to buy chocolates and flowers!" His words to them as he walked out by the door.
"Okay, did that just happen!? Was he serious?"
"Annie, honestly...I've never know him to make jokes. He always knows what he wants and believe me he normally gets it! Once he has made up his mind  on something...well let's just say he will fight till death for what he wants and he won't back down".
"Wow, what a character! I'm glad Seongwa is sleeping though. Thank you for calling him."
"Anything for you my babygirl! Now let's go watch the rest of the movie". He takes Annie's hand and walks to the living room.
As the movie ends Tae returns with one purple rose, a box of chocolates and a big white bunny teddy bear. Without saying a word he walks straight to Seongwa's room.
Seongwa was still fast asleep. The rose and chocolates gets a place on the bedside table and careful not to wake him, Tae lifts his one arm placing the bunny under it.
'He will keep you company when I'm not here'. He leans over and gives him a kiss on the cheek. He sees the time is already 10:30 and the room is cold. He finds a blanket in a closet and cover Seongwa. Giving him one last glance he leaves the room to join the others downstairs.
Annie sees him first
"Tae, thank you for today. I really didn't know what to do anymore. Will you please stay's late and driving at this hour will be dangerous. You look tired, are you okay?"
"Thanks, Annie I will take your offer..I'm  just tired from the tour. I'll be fine. So he was your brothers friend?" He changes the subject.
"Yes, Seongwa.."
"Ahh...his name is Seongwa, beautiful!" He teases Annie
"I'm must have been awkward for you. Seongwa was a long time friend of my brother and they were always together, but he never knew how my brother really felt about him until today. I had to tell and show him, because he was beating himself up for not telling my brother how he felt and he would have to live never knowing if he felt the same way".
"It's better for him to know, now he can cherish that memories and start rebuilding his new life and maybe it showed him not to bottle up his feelings and fight for staying alive".
"You don't understand! Seongwa is not as strong as you think, I don't know how he is still standing...ever since we were young he could never handle situations like this...he gets really emotional al over the smallest things. Me and my brother always protected him and stood up for him, he could talk to us about anything and everything that bothered him and always asked for advice. With all that has happened to him in his lifetime, I have never once seen him cry until the day his mom died. He was so fragile at that point of time, the first day after her funeral he stopped talking to anyone including me and Yunho. The second day he stopped eating and avoiding us staying in his room and not allowing us in. The third day we got really worried because we didn't see him got to shower or take his food we placed outside the door so Yunho kicked the door open and found him unconscious on the floor. He was admitted to hospital and had to go through MO ths of therapy and with a miracle he slowly started to be himself again. I've never seen him like that ever again...until today...and it's really scaring me...I don't want to lose my friend!" Annie starts crying.
Jay takes Annie into his arms trying to calm her down.
"Babygirl, he is going to be okay, but you need to be strong for him are the only one he has as family. We will make sure he is okay and we won't let history repeat itself. He will be okay, baby!".
After a while Annie stops crying and falls asleep on Jay's shoulder.
"Jay, I will saty with Seongwa tonight to make sure he is okay. You guys go get some sleep".
"Hey, then what about you? You are tired too!".
"I'm fine...I'm used to the long hours,  go get some rest I'll see you in the morning".
He gets up and walks away.
"Thank you are truly a good friend!"
Jay pick Annie up in his arms and carries her to the bedroom.
Seongwa is sleeping the same as he left him. 'That's good, it means you're getting proper sleep'.
He takes a seat in the chair next to the bed and leans forward with his arms on the bed so the he can look at Seongwa's face.
'I don't know how you survived all of this and still kept yourself going. I am worried about you, I don't  know what I am going to do about made my heart melt from the moment I saw you...a heart I didn't know exists anymore. I want to get to know the real you...the one that laughed and was happy before all this. I want to see you smile at least once so that I know you are okay'.
Seongwa starts waking up hearing someone talking, he turns slightly to his side not opening his eyes. Is it the same person from this morning. What is he saying? Is he talking to me?' He keeps his eyes closed trying to listen to his now very faint sleepy voice.
'I don't think I can let go of you...I need you to be okay...' His hand falls next to Seongwa's almost touching it.
'Did he fall asleep?' Seongwa opens his eyes.
' this guy for real?' He lifts his hand  touching Tae's cheek to make sure he is not dreaming. He looks like a prince that walk out of a storybook....thank you...thank you for being here with me, thanks for not making me feel empty anymore'.
He carefully takes Tae's hand in his and falls asleep his face very close to his.


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