History remebered...

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Younglee enters the building just as Annie falls to the ground. 'He's too late!'
Seongwa getting a hold of himself again seeing Annie faint, runs over to her getting on his knees as he and Jay tries to get her to wake up.
"We need to get her to the hospital!" Younglee shouts at them.
"My car is still in front, let's go!"
Jay pick up Annie into his arms and followed closely by Seongwa takes her to the car.

At the hospital...
Jay, Seongwa and Younglee are pacing up and down while the others are sitting head down waiting for any news on Annie's condition.
Jay is the first to break the silence.
"What the he'll just happened!?" He looks angrily at Seongwa "do you and Annie know each other and how? I've known you for four years...four years and I have never seen her...and why did she react like that when seeing you!?"
"I'm sorry Jay, we do know each other...we've been friends since we were six years old. Her brother was my friend and Annie was always there when I needed someone to talk to. After completing her senior year she moved to LA in America where she opened a dance studio, but we always kept in touch. From time to time she would come to visit, but her Father and brother had one rule she had to follow...she was never allowed at the dance studios and not allowed to make friends with the Idols." He take a breath and continues.
"Three months ago you guys had your big concert at the arena and Yunho asked Annie to visit here to celebrate after the event. He asked me to join them as well, but I followed in my own car that night, because Yunho asked me to drive him somewhere afterwards. The night of the concert at the last traffic light as you go onto the Gyeongbu Expressway a truck driver ran a red light and had a head-on collision with Annie's dad's car. Everything happened so fast...I almost hit them as well, but I swerved out and hit the barriers on the side of the road bringing my car to a stop. I wasn't hurt so I got out and ran to Annie's car. I walked to the driver's side and could tell that both her parents didn't make it...I ran to Yunho's side of the car, he wasn't moving and was injured badly...I was so frightened...I couldn't get the door open...all I knew was that I had to save him...I needed him to be okay...I couldn't lose him...! The car burst into flames in the front where the truck collided with it and I knew I didn't have much time. I finally got the door open and tried desperately to get him out, but his leg was pinned by the mangled front seat! There was so much blood everywhere and I took of my shirt and wrapped it around his leg where he was bleeding, but I couldn't get him out no matter what I did!"
Seongwa started crying and with shaking legs he takes a seat on one of the chairs.
Younglee sits down next to him patting him gently on the back.
"I've seen the video footage of the accident. Seongwa there is nothing you could have done. Don't do this to yourself! It wasn't your fault! We've heard enough now, okay?"
"No...no! I need to tell them what happened!" He take a breath and continues
"As I was taking Yunho's safety belt off he started waking up and told me to stop. Everything I did was hurting him even more. I tried to push the front seat to free his legs, but it didn't even move. Yunho took my hand in his and asked me to get Annie out first and then help him..I didn't want to...so he made me promise. I went to Annie's side and with the help of some bystanders that gathered, managed to get the door open. She was unconscious and knowing there was no time to check her injuries first I lifted her out of the car and ran to the side of the road and put her down behind my car out of the fires way. A lady offered to help and although I didn't want to leave her to a stranger, I had no choice, Yunho still needed my help. I thought that the people will help me now to get him out, but as I looked around I saw everyone getting away from the scene and he was still in the burning car so I just started running back. I was about halfway to him when the car exploded...I was thrown back from the blast against another car and don't remember anything after that.! I woke up in hospital two days later. The nurse told me that Annie had a concussion and some stitches on her head and arm, but she will be fine. The only thing I could think of was how wrong she was, how can someone who just lost her family be fine? How can she be fine when everything she cared about was gone? I didn't want to see or talk to anyone, especially Annie...I felt so guilty for not saving her brother! At the funeral I also avoided everyone staring and kept my distance. Later at the house Annie came up to me for the first time, crying and upset. She told me I should ha e left her in the car to die with her family...she wanted to know why I saved her!" He stopped talking, crying was all he could do.
No one was talking, how do you comfort someone who is hurting so much?
Seongwa suddenly gets up from his chair.
"Do you see now?! She's in there because of me! I'm the last person she would like to see when she waked up, she hates me!"
With that he starts walking to the hospital exit pulling his arm loose from Younglee and the others trying to stop him.
Youglee runs after his friend trying to catch up to him. " Seongwa, wait!
Seongwa stops but doesn't turn around to face him.
"Don't do this! Don't walk away again! No one blames you for what happened, it's not your fault!"
"There's nothing left for me here! I shouldn't have come back!" He answered as he leaves the hospital.

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