No holding back...

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The next morning...
Tae wakes up feeling like he was hit by a train, his head is killing him and he has a fever. He lifts his head from the pillow...
He looks at Seongwa's hand in his. Did he wake up during the night? Maybe he was just dreaming and thought it was Yunho's hand'.
He gently loosens his hand to get up from the chair. He looks at his phone. 'It's 3:34, where can I find something for this headache?' After making sure Seungwa is properly covered with the blanket he leaves the room.
The kitchen light is burning, maybe someone is awake.
"Tae? Why are you awake at this hour?" Annie asks from the doorway standing with a glass of water.
"Hey, my head hurts. Can I have some water too please?"
Annie   hands him  a glass  off water.
Seeing him sweating, walks over and place the back of her hand on his forehead.
"Tae, you have a fever! Go sit down in the living room, I will bring you some medicine!"
He can barely lift his feet, but makes it to the couch in the living room.
After getting some tablets from the first aid kit she takes them over to Tae who is now lying with his eyes closed on the couch.
"Tae?" He opens his eyes and gets up seeing Annie.
"Here, drink this it will help" She hands him the tablets.
"I'll bring you a blanket, lie down again!"
When Annie returns with the blanket he has fallen asleep and she covers him with the blanket.
'I will sit here with you, but if your fever get any higher I am waking up Jay to take you to  the hospital'.
She switched on the TV to watch a movie and take Tae's fever every half an hour, it's 5:30 and his fever is still the same and decides to get some water and a towel to wipe his face and arms. Just as she gets up the kitchen light goes on.
Seongwa is leaning with his back against the counter opening the box of chocolates he found next to the bed and putting one in his mouth.
"How are you feeling?"
"Like I have been sleeping for a hundred years! You want one?" He holds the box to Annie.
"Oh, no! That was bought for you and you only...I will not take any of it!"
"Yeah...thanks you always knew me best. It's my favorite!"
"Oh, that's good then! I didn't buy them Tae did!" She said laughing
Seongwa froze for a moment with one of the chocolates halfway to his mouth.
"Who? Is it the guy that was in the room with me? He's not there anymore, did he go home?"
"He didn't go home...oh shoot!I was still going to get a towel and water. He wasn't feeling well and had a fever so I gave him some medication. Jay said he had a 28 hour flight yesterday and still he came here after Jay phoned him. I think the tiredness and stress of his tour is catching up with him"
"Annie, where is he?!"
"The living room..I'll bring the water".
He threw the chocolates on the counter and rushed to the living room. He kneels down next to Tae.
"Why didn't you just let me be!? Why didn't you think of yourself are sick now because of me.."
Annie hands him the water and towel.
"Annie, I will stay here. You go take a shower".
"Are you sure?".
"Go, Annie! I'll take care of him".
Seongwa wets the towel and wipes the sweat from Tae's head and arms.
"Please get better! Please!" Tears start falling down his face and he rests his head on Tae's chest. "Please don't be sick, I'm sorry!"
Tae wakes up hearing Seongwa's pleads and lighty strokes his hair with his hand.
"Nothing is going to happen to me. I'm just tired..I just need sleep"
Seongwa quickly lifts his head startled by Tae's sudden words.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to wake you!"
"It's okay. Did you sleep well?".
"Hmm..since I had an intruder and I wasn't close your eyes and sleep!" Seongwa jokingly angry tells him off and moves to take his hand.
"So fierce...okay..okay. Seongwa?"
Seongwa looks up into his eyes when he hears Tae saying his name.
"If you take my hand..I will not let it go again. I take my personal life very seriously, it's not something I take lightly and make me curious.." He says in a sleepy voice.
"You don't know me well enough to say that and just so you know, I don't make impulsive decisions, but this have me trapped and I don't know yet what to make of it ."
Seongwa takes Tae's hand and with a smile on his face Tae falls asleep.

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