Fighting the past...

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Later in the ...
Jay left early to practice at the studio and said to be back as soon as he is done. Annie makes three cups of coffee and takes them to the living room. Seongwa is still sleeping and Annie gently takes him by the shoulder.
'He didn't leave Tae alone for a moment and his body must be aching all over from the position he is sleeping in'
Seongwa slowly lifts his head and looks at Annie.
"Hey, Annie" He slowly takes his hand out of Tae's and stretches his arms.
"I made you some coffee, do you want to wake Tae up for his?"
Seongwa takes his hand placing it on Tae head.
"His fever is gone, but I think I need to let him sleep a bit longer".
"Want to help me with breakfast? Jay will be back any moment and he will need food".
"Yeah, let's  do that! Annie...thanks for everything you have done".
"Hey, what are friends for? I just hope I can get the old Seongwa you used to be".
"Annie...I need to tell you something. I don't know Tae, but from the first moment he came into Yunhos room I had this strong connection with him. It was like something bonded my heart with his. When he talked to me it was like Yunho was saying the things he said and the chocolates? Of all the ones he could buy...he bought the exact same ones Yunho used to buy for me. It's like he knows all of me and I would really like to get to know him too...and I don't want you to think..."
"Seongwa, stop! I know that you loved my brother with all your heart, but I also know he is not here anymore  to protect and love you. What you felt with Tae might have been destined from the start. We will always love and remember the ones we lost. We need to find new happiness and new love and live our lives the best we can without them".
Annie pulls Seongwa into a hug, seeing his tears.
"Seongwa don't cry! I don't want you to be sad anymore, my brothers memory will always be with us and he will always look down on us and he wouldn't want you to be sad anymore. You will always be my best friend no matter what".
Jay came into the kitchen without them noticing.
"Annie's right, Seongwa! You need to find a new purpose to life and...well...Tae is a really good guy. It's time for you to let go, smile and laugh again and be the idol and manager we all miss!"
Seongwa lets go of Annie and wipes his tears.
"Thank you for being my friends! Thanks for being there when I had no one else. I think I will go take a shower now".
He walks out of the kitchen to the bathroom.
Jay helps Annie to finish up with the breakfast and sets the table.
"He's gone, Annie! He's not in his room. I can't  find him!"
Annie and Jay both startled by Jays sudden outburst, starts laughing.
"Wow, you are so adorable! Slow down, take a deep breath and calm down. He didn't go anywhere". Annie says patting him on the shoulder.
"What? He was with me this morning and...was it all a dream?".
The bathroom door opens and Seongwa comes out with a towel in his hand still drying his hair. He stops walking seeing Tae's shocked look on his face.
Tae pulls out one off the kitchen chairs and sits down with his hand on his face. Trying to get his shaking body and emotions under control.
"Are you okay? Did something happen? Are you not feeling well again?". Seongwa hurriedly walks over to Tae.
Tae gets up and pulls Seongwa into his arms into a hug. Not sure what is happening Seongwa hugs him back hesitantly.
"I thought you left! I thought something bad happened to you! I thought you..."
"I'm sorry, if I caused you to worry about me. I just didn't want to wake you, you were not feeling well and..."
"You don't have to apologize. You did nothing wrong. I let myself lose control, I was scared. I am sorry".
"Well, if both of you are okay now, how about we have some breakfast? What about we go for some shopping afterwards? We haven't been doing it for a while".
Tae let's Seongwa go, pulling out a chair for him at the dining table.
"Would you like to go out?". Tae ask Seongwa
"You're asking me?" He looks at Annie confused at what to say and when Annie gives him a thumbs up he looks at Tae.
"I would love to".

At the mall...
Annie and Seongwa walks arms locked into each other.
"This feels so good! It's just like the old times Seongwa".
"Hmm...almost...just the scenery is different".
Meanwhile Jae and Tae are walking behind them.
"So?". Jae looks at Tae.
"So...was the phone call worth it?".
" was. He's so different from others, in a good way. It feels like he is so fragile and I just want to be close to him all the time making sure he is okay. I want to protect him and stop all the hurt and confused fusion his facing. I'm going  totally crazy...I've never felt like this before!".
"I hope you will be the one who gets him through this. Just be there when he needs you, a shoulder to cry on and let him feel wanted again, okay. That's the best you can do".
Just then Annie throws her arms around Jay's waist from behind.
"Hey, can we go into the jewelry store quickly? It's almost Seongwa's birthday and I want to buy him something".
"Annie, Where is Seongwa?". Tae asks worried.
"He went to the bathroom, we have to go before he comes back!".
In the jewelry store...
"I'm going to buy him some new earrings"
Annie says picking up a pair of round silver ones with little diamonds in.
"Annie, when is his birthday?". Tae asks.
"It's  next week Friday. I wanted to do a surprise party for him, but he asked me not to plan anything because he is not up for it yet. Maybe the four of us can go out for dinner or something...I don't know yet what to do".
"Annie, can I do the planning for his birthday, please?".
"Yeah, sure Tae. Why not".
Tae very pleased with the answer, picks out a gift for him and ask them to wrap it up.
They leave the store to find Seongwa staring through the  window of a book store.
Tae walks to stand behind him, without him noticing, to see what he is looking at.
The window has only one display. A red table full of hearts with stacks of the same book 'When you find love'.
Seongwa suddenly steps back and turning around walks straight into Tae standing right behind him. The impact causing him to  lose his balance, nearly falling, be he is caught by two strong arms.
Time freezes for the two of them for a few seconds before Tae is the first to save the situation.
"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to stand so close to you. I was just wondering what you are looking at".
Seongwa a bit embarrassed about his clumsiness, steps away from Tae.
"It's okay, I'm alright, sorry!".
Annie seeing both a bit out of words try to save them.
"Hey, you two! Are you ready to go watch the movie?".
"Annie...Annie I'm sorry! I need to go, I can't do this! I'm sorry!".
He walks past Annie and past Tae without making eye contact.
Annie looks at Tae confused.
"Did something happen? What's going on?".
"I...I don't know...he was looking through the window of the bookstore and..."
"Tae, what bookstore?".
Tae points to the window Seongwa was looking at.
Annie walks up to the window.
"Oh no! Why now?".
"Annie, is something wrong?". Tae asks
"Let me show you." Annie walks into the bookstore followed by Jae and Tae.
She opens up one of the books on display and holds it for them to read:
             To Yunho and Seongwa
            May your love be forever...
                Always you friend

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