Chapter 3

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Harry lay in the bed that he was provided. He stretched out in it. He felt a bit. Hungry and knew what was going to happen. John was going to come in. Make him eat from a bowl and then tell him he was a good boy. Just like the doctor did for a whole week. This time, he was able to sit. And use his hands more than he was last time. It was great to think that he had the freedom to do. That it was hard when he was there. He had to wriggle around on the floor too. then inked off the floor on the bowl. Soon he heard a lock being opened.

"Morning," John said to him. As he brought the tray in.

"Morning," Harry replied out of the British habit of not being rude.

"Here is your bowl of food. And I brought you a Hot drink," John as he watched the reaction.

"Are you going to make me drink? From a bowl," Harry hesitantly.

"No, you'll be able to drink it normally."

"OK," Harry said.

"It's hard to do that anyway unless we give you a straw."

"No, I want to drink it. From my hands," Harry defensively.

"Good, glad we cleared that up," John said.

As the chains rattled behind him. Harry then got on the floor on all fours again and ate the food. He was starting to get in the habit of now doing it. After that John gave him a cup to drink, It was coffee. He drank it and appreciate that he was allowed to drink something. John then sat on the bed again and indicated him to come over. Harry Did what he was told and got up. He sat on Johns's lap again, and went. For the attention that he got. All of a sudden, he felt more. Tired and started leaning towards him. John, notice that.

"If you want to lean against me, do it," John said.

"I don't know you," Harry explained a blush appeared on his check.

"You're one of the packs. You can do it if you feel like you want to," John said to him.

"Ok," Harry said to the man that's had his hand Holding his thigh.

As Harry leaned into him, slowly and hesitantly, John held him. He kept looking up and away from the man. A feeling came to him where he felt still within himself. And then, before he knew it, his eyes got heavy. And she stayed there in. John slap. He couldn't understand. Why he was doing this to another man. John let his dominant side know that he was a higher—ranking werewolf. As this happens. Harry just start to fall asleep, gently snoring. John was thrilled inside as he held the younger man. They were always like this, resistant. And then they would collapse in your arm. And now he had the same thing.

"Alright, so I have to go," John said. As he felt the vibrations of his phone going off.

"Oh ok," the young man said. He felt it was weird. That he was interrupted by this moment.

"I will come back in a moment," John he reassured the new werewolf.

John punched the air as this happened as he closed the door. He could not believe it. It was only the first Night and already the new Werewolf wanted to spend time with him. He saw that the boss had messaged him. It was their clear as day asking what happened to the new arrival.

"So how did it go?" The boss said. "Has he settled down into here?"

"He's just got upset that I had to leave because you called," John explained to her.

"Well, that was quick," She smiled through the phone, and he could feel that she was pleased with him.

"I know I've told him I'll be back in a minute," said John to her.

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