Chapter 10

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Maya started to track who might be behind all this. It was once in a blue moon that someone would come. And now there are two of them. She had to get to the bottom of this as it was the only way she could cope with it. Or it would drive her mad not being able to know what had happened. She went over and over the scenarios in her head. Who was behind this and what did they want and would they be able to? Tell her why they turned to men. And also why were there others? If they did have one of the other werewolf packs. The day when Harry went to the nightclub, they already took three and now She had to so that to was up to five. Changes where they had to learn about what it was. She spoke to other alphas within the area and try to ask them did they know who was behind it and if would they try and help. To make this better And work together.

"So do you know who it is?" She asked an alpha from a nearby pack.

"No, I don't know who it is," Maya heard his voice. "but I'm hoping we will get to the bottom of this," He said to her.

"Shall I just carry on asking around and you would let me know? Who it is if you think I've already got two and. The one up the road already got three" She said. As she twirled her hair in her hands.

"Of course, I don't like that this has thrown me off," He said as he paced the place.

She carried on doing what She was doing. There were diagrams and pictures and notes and all sorts. Five People turned into werewolves. Harry was one of them and Steve was another. And the doctor Might have more. It was great having someone on the inside for The hospital. Then they knew how to spot the signs of people becoming werewolves it was as Useful to have them. He also managed to get three nurses on his side as well to help. And there was one other. One in the midwife section would also tell them if any new ones were coming.

One moment a knock on the door appear and she looked up to see that Harry came in. She wasn't expecting this, and there he was.

"Hi, I know you're busy," Harry said to her, his face peeking through the door. "But I was just wanting to say hi."

"Well, it's good to see you anyway," she said a smile coming on her face. "We are thinking about who might have changed you and the other guy called Steve."

"Oh, I never thought about that," he said to her, as he thought about what it could be. Or who it could be.

"Yes, well that is important to know. It isn't. It too might have turned you and why they would do it," Maya explained as she leaned back in her chair as it sprung around.

"Is it not normal then?" Harry asked her as He looked at the chocolate mints on her desk. "I didn't really ask about that before."

"There are rules that say that you shouldn't turn anyone. Into a werewolf because it's not right for them to Do it. There is supposed to be a procedure where you turn people. And they have to be sectioned off."

"What do you mean by sectioned off?" His face tilted to her.

"Normally someone like John Would then go and. Workhouse. Where they could be in Society," She explained to him.

"Because you are a hugger, it makes sense that you should be with us in the social care sector," She smiled at him. "I'm not sure where Steve would go yet. But he would be good at security maybe he seems to have an anger in him."

"Yeah, I don't want to go anywhere else. I've just gotten used to this. I don't like It to change," Harry with a swaying motion. "When it happens, it feels like the whole world is going away and. You can't get back to it."

"Yeah, we do stuff like kidnapping and holding you hostage. We need to get better at that," as she trailed off into her own thoughts. "Like refer a friend scheme."

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