Chapter 9

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The new werewolf was not happy that he was with John and had many more growls than Harry. And the amount of turning was a lot to think of as the room looked like a mess that happened as this new one didn't listen as it happened. The whole place was on an alert since it happened it wasn't good that it happened.

"Why are you always trying to smash things," John looking at the man. "Maybe I just kill you now."

"This is a cruel thing you are doing," the man screamed back to him. "Why wouldn't someone fight back?"

"There was a guy that didn't fight back like you are doing" John snapped as the man fell with the sting on his cheek. The place was quiet for a moment as this happened.

"Let me starve I'm not eating a thing," the man snapped as he did it.

"Fine, I will tell the boss you want that" John grinning. "It will be a shame to lose you."

The man went mad as the screams bellowed through the place. John messaged Maya about the issue. Some hated it and were pumped up. And yet he tried to think about how to deal with all of this. Why could he not have someone calm again without being screamed at. A few werewolves had heard and now were keeping him in this.

"I hate the angry ones like this," he said as he imagined Maya's face as he said it.

"Doesn't sound good" she replied as she said it. "You had a few quiet ones and then there is one like this

"The whole place is trashed as it happened," he said. He explains what it looks like to her. How they would need some paint.

"Now you have something to do after," a joke passed her lips.

"Oh he doesn't want to be fed," John as he walked up to his room.

The yells below kept going as the night carried on. It went on till the morning. He wasn't going to feed him until he was hungry. And that was going to be tough to hear the yells coming through. Maybe leave him there for a day.

It didn't feel good leaving him there starving. As John would sometimes stand right next to To the door so that he couldn't. Be heard by him. And could hear the Sobs come in through the door as it happened. As the man then went into the place. Back upstairs quietly. It was as if he. Could only hear what it was Like For a few days, he then went, Over to the man and opened the door.

"What do you want from me?" The man asked. As he looked towards the one standing in the doorway.

"Are you now going to eat?" As the Man stood watching The one crawling on the floor.

"No, I won't. I won't do it," the man said as he then. Started to crawl back onto the bed.

"Suit Yourself," John said. As he then went and shut the door. "I will let my boss know that you won't."

The new werewolf watched as he did what he said and left. The hunger in his belly then went. As he felt it happening to him. He wondered how long it would take for him to. Ain't and where are these the correct people to be with? There was a scream through the building. That then happens. When he went upstairs, it echoed throughout the whole place Holding his hand on the bannister and gripping it. It's. Made the whole place horrible. He carried on going through his. Other routines involve the paperwork. He sent a text to Maya as it happened.

He loved the thought of having his own space. Harry was now Allowed to Be in his own room. It was A small one And it was just for him. He lay there upstairs as it happened. Working out what To do. He didn't feel like running as he did at the start. Given food He was allowed to walk around. And he was to wash by himself as the privileges started to come. To him as it was feeling more better. He then spent time in the place called the sensory room as it's. It was actually quite therapeutic for him.

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