The Green Pipe

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They again saw the pipe as they walked to the beach. When they got there, Eve had a plan. She explained how she always wanted to go to the big world, and this could be the way that you don't have to pass The Gauntlet. Willow looked convinced (and she was), and she went. Eve and Willow went home to get in to normal clothes (but not uniforms), and went to find the green pipe. When they reached the green pipe Eve immediately dived into the pipe. "Eeeeeveeeeeee! Not yet! WAAIIIIT!" Yelled Willow. Eve was already long gone when Willow hopped in the pipe. "AIIEIEEE!!" she screamed as she closed her eyes tight and went zooming down the pipe.

 Meanwhile, Lou was hanging out at the beach with Nolan. He wasn't really that mean, but the robots made him sing The Ugly Truth and be mean to everyone. Nolan was the only one who knew he wasn't mean nor perfect. After Lou and Nolan where tired from swimming, they started to walk to Lou's mansion for lunch when, out of the blue, Lou fell into the green pipe.

 "LOOUU!!" yelled Nolan as he jumped in after Lou. "Nolan!!!!! Help!!!" Lou yelled as he went down even faster than Eve did. Soon, Nolan and Lou caught up to Eve, and now Willow was the only slow one. "Heeeyy, Didja guys decide to join me on an adventure?" said Eve as she slurped on an ice-cold lemonade no one got for her. "First of all, yes. Second of all, where did you get the lemonade?" said Nolan. "Ooooh, this? It was flying down the pipe just like 5 seconds before you guys came." Eve said, giving another big slurp. 

Willow caught up to them out of breath. "What happened to YOU?" asked the other three. " I had, *pant*  to catch up *pant* to you guys" said Willow, still panting out of breath. "AAAAAAH!" they all screamed as they landed on mushrooms. Eve got off of the mushroom she had got on to and looked around in awe. "Woah!" she said looking at the castle with a stained glass picture of a blonde princess.

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