Room 1

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Lou and Nolan entered Peach's main room, that she probably slept in. "Ahhh! Too much pink!" screamed Lou as he entered the room. "I like pink." said Nolan. There was already two people who looked like... Farmers? No... Plumbers? I don't know. Well, the Plumber thingies where already in the room when Lou and Nolan had entered. "Baah!" screeched Lou when he saw the plumber twins. "Oh, hello! Are you the plumbers here in Mushroom Kingdom?" asked Nolan. The twin in red said, "Enough with us. Who are you guys?? Where are you from??" Nolan and Lou looked at each other and then Lou said, "We are Lou and Nolan." and then Nolan said, "And we are from-" "Boston??" interrupted the one in red again. "No, we are fr-" "Utah??" "NO! WE A-" "IDAHO??" "WE ARE FROM THE INSTITUTE OF PERFECTION!!!!"

The green one stopped fixing a leak and turned around to look at the two boys. "What's The Institute of Perfection?" he asked. Lou and Nolan looked at each other again. "We are dolls... there isn't really a way to explain what Perfection is." The one in red frowned. "Well, I am Mario and He is Luigi. We are the Mario brothers." Mario said. "Why are you the Mario brothers? Is your last name Mario? Mario Mario and Luigi Mario?" asked Nolan in confusion. "We aren't sure why." said Luigi. "Well, we have to get going." said Mario, and they walked out of the room.

There was a little jar with a turtle looking thing in it. Lou noticed it as Nolan looked at all of the Pink, Red, and blue mushrooms on Peach's dresser. "Hey!" said Lou to the turtle. "Eve would love you, she loves turtles!" then, the turtle started to talk. "No, I am Bowser." he said grumpily. "Ahh... Bowser? Are you supposed to be in here?' said Lou. "Yes, I am Peach's pet turtle." he grunted, even though he had a very high-pitched voice. "Can I let out all of my problems to you?' asked Lou hopefully. "Uhh, I kind of don't have a choice, so yeah. Sure." Bowser said, laying down in the jar preparing to hear all of Lou's problems. 

"I am hated in my town now. I had to sing this really mean song to all of the other dolls, and like, I was forced to, so the Factory knew I would do anything for it. And then I got used to being able to do whatever I want basically as leader of The Institute of Perfection. So, like, everyone hates me now, and it's a pain in the butt." Bowser stopped but then sparked a great idea. " I can help you with that." he said, giving a secret evil grin. "Hey, Nolan, get over here. Bowser has an idea." Lou said excitedly. Nolan rushed over to listen to Bowser. 

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