chapter one

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I've never really thought about Draco Malfoy in a romantic way. Ever since I met him we've hated each other. That was mostly my fault , he asked to be my friend back in 1st year but I declined and ever since then we became rivals.

But this year was different. Something about him was just different. I don't really know how to explain it.

We just seemed to stop being rivals I mean we still were but it felt like we were just pretending and trying to ignore how badly we wanted each other and the way we didn't hate each other .

But slytherins and gryffindors are supposed to hate each other . That's just how it works but no matter how much I tried to hate him I couldn't help but love him. He would always be in my mind and I hated that feeling.

I don't know what this is. Maybe it's love? Or maybe I'm just crazy and overthinking everything

I've also wanted to tell Ron and Hermione but they'll think I've gone mental. Not because I like Draco but because he's a boy

I know Draco Malfoys a boy but I just can't help but want to be with him.

I could just see the look of disgust of their faces if i ever told them. Ron would be disgusted and would tell Hermione and they would both hate me and think i was disgusting. My own friends would hate me. But at the same time I knew they wouldn't because there not bad people.

but I'm just scared. I know I like girls for a fact. But I also like boys?.. I don't know I'm just confused. But for some reason I remember exactly when this feeling started

10 months ago.

As harry was walking onto the Hogwarts express he couldn't stop thinking about what happened at the pub. He found out this mass murdered named Sirius black had recently escaped from Azkaban and was trying to murder him. He was a big fan of Voldemort and he thought harry was the only thing standing in the way for Voldemort to come back to power .

It didn't make sense. He had no idea who he was until a day ago. As harry was processing his thoughts he wasn't paying attention and bumped into Draco Malfoy

"Well look who it is" said draco as he looked at crabbe and goyle "it's Harry Potter" Draco spat harry rolled his eyes and scoffed "I don't have time for this" he said walking away

Draco stopped harry and pulled him back there faces inches away from each other "yet you have time for those blood traitors" Draco whispered

Harry pushed Draco holding a wand to his neck "DONT talk about my friends like that" Harry yelled and walked off. He couldn't believe after all these years Draco was still the same selfish self observed bully. How pathetic he thought

As he walked into the parlor he saw Ron and Hermione sitting down yelling at each other over scabbers and crookshanks. Harry rolled his eyes and sat down

"Hey guys" he said quietly "hi Harry!" Said Ron and Hermione at the same time they looked at each other and blushed before quickly looking away

Harry grinned it was obvious they liked each other they were just too scared to admit it

"Who's this?" Harry asked looking at the man sleeping next to him

"Professors R.J lupin" Hermione replied

"How does she know everything??" Ron asked curiously

"It's on his suitcase Ronald" Hermione said annoyed

"Oh." Ron whispered

Harry's mind was wandering and he thought about the moment when him and Draco's face were just inches away from each other and he felt something.. it was probably just more anger he thought. He backed away from the thought and started thinking about Sirius

"Is he really asleep?" Harry whispered

"Seems to be why?" Hermione asked

Harry closed the door and started explaining everything that Arthur told him at the pub

"Let me get this straight. Sirius black escaped Azkaban to come after you?" Ron asked

"Yes." Harry responded

"But they'll catch black eventually wont they? I mean eventually" Hermione said

"Sure of course no one's ever broken out of Azkaban before and he's a raving murderous lunatic" Ron said

Out no where the compartment rattled and the lanterns flickered. The train lurched and began to slow down and it then just completely stopped.

Hermione looked down at her watch and frowned

"Why are we stopping? We can't be there yet" Hermione whispered

Harry looked out of the parlor and saw other people looking out one of them was Draco Malfoy.

He looked at him and Draco simply just did a fake smile that made Harry's heart beat faster than it already was. He didn't know why that happened so he just brushed it off and sat back down inside

The golden trio heard whispers
"..die. One by one. Until all is dark."

"What's going on?" Ron asked holding very tightly onto scabbers

The lights went out which made Hermione jump in her seat but Ron slightly touched her shoulder to comfort her.

"I dunno maybe we broke down?" Said Harry

"OUCH Ron that was my foot" Hermione said annoyed

Ron rolled his eyes and slightly blushed and looked out the window so Hermione wouldn't see and when he did he saw things outside the window.. like shadows but not really

"There's something moving out there. I think people are coming aboard." Ron whispered

Suddenly the train started shaking violently and everything started vibrating

"Bloody hell what's happening?" Ron said

When Harry looked at the door he saw this towering cloaked figure its face was hidden beneath its black hood.

Harry's ears swelled and it was eerie and painful when he suddenly heard a woman screaming Harry eyes rolled up his eyelids fluttering

Harry gasped and woke up he looked around and saw that the train was moving again and the lights weren't out anymore.

"Harry? Harry are you alright?" Hermione asked looking worryingly at Harry as Ron gave him his glasses back

"Thanks" Harry said as he heard a snap and then turned to see professor lupin breaking a chocolate

"It's chocolate it helps" lupin said as he gave the chocolate to Harry

"What was that thing?" Harry asked while eating the chocolate peacefully

"A dementor. One of the guards from Azkaban. It's gone now" professor lupin said

"It was searching the train Harry for Sirius black" Hermione said sadly

"What happened to me?" Harry asked as professor lupin left to go have a word with the driver

"Well you sort of went .. rigid. We thought maybe you were having a fit or something I mean even Draco came and asked if we're okay." Ron said

"Draco came?" Harry said his face lighting up

"Yea why?" Ron asked laughing

"No reason just surprised" Harry whispered as he looked away why did he get so happy that Draco actually asked if he was okay? Maybe he was just surprised that Draco actually cared about stuff

"Oh did any of you you know pass out?" Harry asked gripping his seat still thinking about how Draco asked if he was okay

"No I just felt weird like I'd never be cheerful again but no" Ron said

Harry turned to Hermione and she shook her head

"I was trembling cold but then professor rj lupin made it go away." Hermione said looking at her feet

"But someone was screaming? A woman was screaming" Harry replied

Hermione and Ron looked at each other and then back at Harry

"Nobody was screaming Harry."

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