chapter three

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Ron and Hermione had been mad at each other for the past day and it was really pissing Harry off having to try to choose sides between his two best friends just because they can't admit their feelings for each other

he was also pleased to find out that hagrid had become a teacher and he actually was on his way to that class right now

hagrid teaches care of magical creatures so they obviously went out to the woods with their monster book

"Gather round. Find yourself a spot. That's it. Now firs' thing yeh'll want ter to do is open yer books-" Hagrid explained before being interrupted

"And exactly how do we do that?" Draco asked

"Crickey. Didn' yeh know? All yeh've got ter do is stroke 'em. Look —"

Hagrid took Hermiones copy and as it began to bite he ran his finger down its spine and it opened peacefully

"Righ' then. So... so... yeh've got yer books , an' now yeh need The magical creatures. Right. So I'll .. I'll go an' get 'em" Hagrid Said as he disappeared into the tress

Draco shook his head and spoke loudly "god this place is going to the dogs. Wait until my father hears Dumbledores got this oaf teaching classes."

Harry quickly turned and started walking to Draco "listen, you stupid prat—"

Draco stepped back and his eyes widened in fear as he pointed at something in the sky

"Harry a dementor!"

Harry jumped turned around in fear and saw nothing absolutely nothing. It was just one of Draco's jokes he turned around to see the slytherins having a black hood on their head mocking the dementors and whispering ohh ohh

Harry was embarrassed as everybody was laughing loudly until Hagrid emerged from the trees with a strange creator beside him

"Gee up , there!" Hagrid said grinning
"Beautiful, isn' he?"

"Hagrid what exactly is this?" Ron asked

"A hippogriff, o' course. Now firs' thing yeh got to know is there proud. Easily offended , hippogriffs are. Don't ever insult one. 'Cause it migh' be the las' thing yeh do. Righ then— who wants ter come on an' say hello?"

The whole classed stepped back and Harry was left standing alone at the front

"Good man, Harry!" Hagrid said happily

Harry looked around and saw Ron and Hermione encouraging him to go so he slowly started to walk towards buckbeak

"That's it. Easy now .. stop!" Hagrid yelled when Harry got a little too close to buckbeak

"This here's buckbeak , Harry yeh want ter let 'I'm make the firs' move. It's polite see?" said Hagrid as he pet buckbeak

"Jus' take step forward, give 'im a bow , and if buckbeak bows back, yeh're allowed ter touch him. Ready?"

unsure Harry nodded and bowed. buckbeak looked at him confused his eyes studying Harry. Harry's heart was beating out of his chest as he waited for buckbeak to bow back

"Back off Harry back off!"

Hermione jumped and grabbed Ron's hand. they quickly let go after realizing and looked at each other before quickly looking away

Harry started to walk away but before he can buckbeak bowed and Hagrid sighed in relief

"Well done Harry! Go on. Give 'im a pat"

Harry reached out and layed his hand on buck-beaks fierce beak. The class clapped and Harry smiled in relief

"Look at that! I reckon he migh' let yeh ride 'em"

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