chapter six

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Ron , Hermione and Harry were walking back to the common room but a bunch of a people were surrounding the entry to their common room

"What's the hold up? Only Neville ever forgets the password." Ron whispered

Percy was pushing past everyone "let me through please! Excuse me thank you I'm head boy let me
through" he said as he stood at the front

"Back! All of you! No one is to enter this dormitory until it has been fully searched" said Percy

The golden trio gave each other uncertain looks when suddenly Ginny emerged from the crowd her face looking gloomily

"The fat lady .. she's gone" said Ginny

"Probably stuffing her face with the apples in that still life on the second floor again"

"No you don't understand—"

Hermione let out a gasp and she tapped Harry's shoulder he turned to see the fat lady's portrait was slashed and strips of of canvas were hanging from her frame

Dumbledore appeared looking shocked as he sees the fats lady portrait "Mr filch. Round up the ghosts. Tell them to search every painting in the castle for the fat lady"

just then there's a scream the students dash to it where the paintings are whispering to each other fearfully.

"They'll be no need for ghosts professor" filch extended his finger high , near the ceiling there she was the fat lady in a portrait trembling of fear

"Dear lady who did this to you?"

"Eyes like the devil he's got. And a soul as dark as his name. It was him , headmaster. The one they talk about. He's here somewhere in the castle. Sirius black."

Dumbledore's eyes shot up in fear and he looked at his students nodding his head "secure the castle mr filch. The rest of you to the great hall"

they all went to the great hall and found that there were beds all over. Snape was putting people into buddy's to be "safe".

"Weasley granger over there" said Snape as he pointed to a few beds on the ground

Ron & Hermione looked at each other and blushed and went to go lay down

"potter and Malfoy over here" he said pointing to a corner

Harry's heart stopped. did snape really just pair him up with Draco. out of all people draco.

"We'll hurry up potter get moving!" said snape yelling

"Right." Harry went and sat down trying to avoid eye contact with draco

He laid down facing the other side so he wouldn't have to see Draco's face

after a while of silence half of the great hall was asleep. Harry turned around since he was getting uncomfortable he hoped Draco was turned the other way. but when he turned Draco was facing him and he was asleep.

Draco was sleeping and he looked so peaceful. his hair was a little bit messy and damp. he was snoring a bit but not too loud. Harry looked at him and a slight bit of blush overcame him. and no matter how hard he tried not to feel this way he couldn't help but think Draco looked so pretty.

he looked so gorgeous just sleeping and he looked so peaceful. but mostly gorgeous. he started to smile and blush hard hard. he put his hands on under his head and just admired Draco

draco yawned and then opened his eyes and saw Harry looking at him. he saw his red tinted face and how he was smiling like at a dork.

as soon as draco opened his eyes Harry dropped his smile and he blushed even harder.

"where you admiring me potter?" draco asked smiling

"no? no what no"

"Rubbish. you were."

"I wasn't whether you believe me or don't I don't care"

"okay" draco said and he turned away from harry

but he then turned back "I'm sorry"

"What? for what"

"for the other day when I said you weren't special and I didn't get what people saw in you I'm sorry"

"your apologizing? like genuinely apologizing"

"yea I'm sorry"

"your not joking?"

"no I'm sorry"

"oh then it's ok"

"I do get what people see in you and I'm sorry for switching up I just have trouble showing how I feel"

"how do you feel?"


"how do you feel? you said I have trouble showing how I feel so how do you feel?"

draco laughed awkwardly "that doesn't matter im just sorry"

"it's ok I forgive you"

"ok good" said draco smiling

Harry smiled back and Draco was looking at him in a way he had never looked at him before. He was looking at him like they were in love. and right now Harry really really wanted to kiss him he would never admit to it but he just wanted to feel Draco's lips on his.

they stared at each other in complete silence none of them speaking a word but just looking at each other and they were both smiling their cheeks red as tomato's.

"why are you always so nice to me when we're alone but in public your like this bully who hates me"

"I don't know , I just well- we're enemies right?  and enemies hate each other so yea"

"but when we're alone you act like my friend or something and your nice why??"

"I don't know. Well I do but I can't tell you"

"why not?"

"I just can't"

"rubbish tell me"

"no you would think I'm gross"

"gross? why would I think your gross"

"you just would"

"ok then" Harry said as he sighed in disappointment

why would Harry think Draco was gross? I mean did he do something gross? Harry was just confused but one thing he knew was that he liked draco best when he was just with him and no one else

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