chapter two

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as harry walked off the Hogwarts train he couldn't stop thinking about the women he heard screaming I mean he wasn't crazy? He heard something and he also that green light he's always seeing in his dreams.

"HARRY HURRY UP!" yelled ron which made Harry go back into reality

"Right sorry"

Harry said as he was walking onto the carriage and putting his things down

"Oh no" Hermione said as she looked at Draco and his little minions crabbe and goyle walking onto the carriage

"What are you doing here?" Said ron spitefully

"There's no other carriages so you'll have to deal with us Weasley bee"

"Oh shut up Malfoy!" Harry spat

"What your gonna do something Potter?" said Draco laughing as he sat next to Harry

Harry scoffed and started playing with his hands while he looked at Ron

all of them were clearly uncomfortable making no noise and just staring at each other while crabbe and goyle ate their sweets they got off the train

out of nowhere they felt the carriage shake everybody was going back and Harry was almost falling out of his seat and he needed something to grab on to. Instead of grabbing onto anything else he grabbed Draco malfoys hand.

he gripped tightly and adjusted himself until the carriage stopped having turbulence

He sighed and looked at Draco and then down at his hand realizing they were holding hands

Harry looked back at Draco and let go of his hand quickly. they looked away hiding their flaming red cheeks

Draco ran his hands through his hair and looked around acting as if nothing happened while Harry was biting his nails and trying to avoid eye contact with anyone. the ride seemed like it took forever and it was pure awkward silence

they finally arrived at Hogwarts and Harry ran to the common room sitting down and breathing heavily. Why the fuck did he decide to grab onto DRACOS HAND? out of everything. He was trying to process this when suddenly Ron came in

"Harry aren't you coming down? They just started sorting the first years" said ron

"Yea I'll be there in a sec"

"Alright" Ron replied  as he started to walk away but then quickly turned around
"Oh Harry why did you grab onto Draco's hand in the carriage? I thought it was pretty weird."

Harry turned around quickly his heart beating fast "it was an accident I didn't mean to I just didn't know what to do since I was falling off my seat and I needed something to hold onto and I guess his hand was the closest thing? I'm not sure why I grabbed onto him tho I was just nervous and I didn't wanna fall off because that would be very very embarrassing and besides I let go after I didn't mean anything by it I mean I'm surprised he didn't say anything but I guess he was also falling so I don't know maybe that's why he also held my hand to-"

"Ok Harry I get it! you don't have to go rambling have you gone mental? I assumed it was an accident since I kinda also grabbed onto Hermione.. but that doesn't matter i get it you were just falling"

"Yea yea sorry.. I just didn't want you to get the wrong idea." Harry whispered

"The wrong idea? What do you mean"

"never mind let's go down."

as they walked into the great hall he saw Draco sitting down with crabbe and goyle and he blushed but quickly looked away realizing what he was doing

"finally your here!" Hermione said as harry and Ron sat down

"Yea we started to think Ron had murdered you or something"

"Shut up Fred" Ron spat

Harry sighed and looked at the first years getting sorted clapping everytime one of them got gryffindor

he suddenly felt a light tap on his shoulder and turned around it was of course the one and only draco

"hey , what happened on the carriage forget about it ok? We were both falling it was an accident. I'm not your boyfriend"

"No I know your not I didn't mean-" Harry stopped and just turned around he didn't want to deal with draco right now he had too much on his mind like Sirius and the women he heard screaming

"Hey you ok?" asked ron

"yea I'm ok."

Harry heard a yell in the distance and turned to see Ginny running up and hugging him

"hey Ginny" said Harry smiling as he wrapped his arms around her

"Woah little sis looks like your more excited to see Harry than your own brothers" said George laughing with Fred .

Harry let her go as she sat down and they both started talking about their summers and how Ginny went to Egypt even tho Ron had explained the trip a hundred times

Draco was looking them and he scoffed rolling his eyes and slightly tapping Harry on the back

"Is that your girlfriend potter?" draco said laughing

"just stop talking to me malfoy I don't want to hear anything that comes out of your mouth got it? I'm done dealing with you" Harry said as he turned around

"Nice one" whispered Fred

Harry just smiled and looked down.

for some weird reason he didn't mean anything he said to draco this was very weird he didn't understand why he didn't mean it but he just didn't.

Before they all left Harry found out there were dementors surrounding the school and to not get in the way

Harry finally left the great hall and was walking to the common room when he felt somebody pull him aside to the corner of the hallway

"I LOST SCABBERS" ron yelled panicking

"AGAIN? Ron you lost him on the train and now here?"

"It's not my fault! Hermiones devil ate him"

"Hermiones cat is not a Devil and she didn't eat him your just bad at taking care of your pets"

"THANK YOU. Finally someone agrees" said Hermione as she appeared out of nowhere

"BLOODY HELL. where did you come from??"

"I was already here Ronald your just blind"

"I am not blind!"

"yes you are"

"am not"

"am are"

"no I'm not!! And your ugly cat ate scabbers"



"Rats are disgusting"

"They are not!"

"Of course they are there nasty and gross"



"Can you guys shut up I don't want to hear you flirting right now"


Hermione stood there in silence in disbelief of what she heard she simply nodded her head and ran off

"Oh no have I gone mental? what is wrong me first I lost scabbers and now I hurt Hermiones feelings"

"she'll get over it ron" Harry said as he patted his back

ron nodded and looked down as him and Harry walked back to the common room

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