chapter five

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It had been a week since the little argument of Draco and Harry. they hadn't spoken to each other since not even to bicker or tell each other how much they hated each other. And it bothered them a lot. Especially Harry because all he could think about was Draco and Draco only. Sirius had completely left his mind and his mom too the only thing on his mind was Draco.

he hoped that maybe just maybe these feelings he was feeling would go away.

"Remember! These visits to hogsmeade village are a privilege. Should your behavior reflect poorly on the school in any way , that privilege shall not be extended again." Said professor mcgonagall.

Harry approached her and just as he's about to open his mouth she interrupts him

"No permission form. No visiting the village. That's the rule potter."

"Yes professor but I thought if you said I could go—"

"But I don't say so. A parent or guardian must sign, and since I am neither, it would be inappropriate."

You could see a flicker of pity flashed over her face.

"I'm sorry potter but that's my final world"

Ron and Hermione we're watching him from afar he shook his head and their faces fell. Harry waved them bye and watched them leave.

He turned to see Draco staring at him and as soon as they made eye contact Draco broke it and ran over to goyle to go to hogsmeade.

Harry sighed and started to walk towards the bridge he was so upset and it wasn't because he couldn't go to hogsmeade it was draco. He missed those rude interruptions and how draco would bother him every single hour of the day. He felt weird really weird.

as he got onto the bridge and he laid his hands on the edge and he suddenly heard a similar voice

"So. No hogsmeade, eh?" Professor lupin said

Harry looked at his "teacher"and just shook his head and looked down

"Well don't feel too bad. I was roundly disappointed the first time I went."

"Really?" Harry asked as a flash of light flashed over his face

"No. I was just trying to make you feel better. Honeydukes sweets are the best in the world. Their pepper Imps are so strong you smoke at the ears. And zonko's joke shop may be dangerous but you can't beat their stink pellets"

Harry nodded gloomily

"Not to mention the shrieking shack which according to Hermione is the most severely haunted building in Britain"

"Yes that too.."

"Professor can I ask you something?"

"You'd like to know why I stopped you from facing the boggart? I should think I'd be pretty obvious. I assumed the boggart would take the shape of lord voldermort."

Harry frowned as to how lupin had such the name voldermort. Everybody he knew would say 'you know who' since they were scared of his name. Harry always thought it was stupid to be afraid of a name and he had never another person who had said his name without fear. At least not until this very moment

"But clearly I was wrong" lupin continued

"I did think of voldermort first. But then I remembered that night on the train.. and the dementors."

"Well , well. I'm impressed. That suggests that what you fear most of all is ... fear. Very wise."

"Before I fainted ... I heard something. A woman. Screaming."

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