chapter eight

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"looks a bit peaky doesn't he?" Ron whispered as him , Hermione , George and Fred all surrounded Harry

"Peaky? What d'you expect him to look like? He fell fifty feet" Fred exclaimed

"Yea c'mon Ron. We'll walk you to the astronomy tower and see how you come out looking" added george

Harry slowly opened his eyes and Fred , George , Hermione and Ron all jumped

"Harry!! How are you feeling?" Hermione exclaimed

Harry smiled and sat up edged up his pillow and got comfortable

"Brilliant." He responded

"Gave us a right good scare mate" Fred said

"What happened?"

"you fell off your broom" responded Ron

"oh really? I meant the match. Who won?"

everybody gave uncomfortable looks and Hermione bit her lip and shut her eyes before looking at Harry and began to talk

"No one blames you, Harry. The dementors aren't meant to come on the grounds. Dumbledore was furious. After he saved you, he sent them straight off"

Harry nodded and turned to look at the window and saw heavy rain with heavy winds but the trees were softly brushing each other.

"There's something else you should know , Harry.
Your nimbus — when it blew away? —- it sort of landed in the whomping willow and well.."

He put a bag on Harry's lap and it was his broom. It was all splintered and twisted with twigs everywhere.

Harry just stared blankly not being able to form words when suddenly someone came running in

"Harry!" Draco said as he came running in

Hermione scoffed and rolled her eyes she couldn't believe what was happening

"I can't believe you! Your so pathetic draco your really here to make fun of Harry falling off of his broom? He could've died!" Hermione yelled

"get out of here mate" added Fred

"No let him stay" Harry said

"What? Harry are you sure?" Hermione asked

"Yes I'm sure thanks."

Hermione nodded and started to walk away and gave Draco a dirty look before leaving Ron , fred and George trailing behind her

"Harry" Draco said as he breathed heavy
"ar- are you ok?"

"yea I'm fine"

"yea that's good really good" Draco said nervously

"why are you here?"

"I uhm I don't know I just I-I wanted to see if you were ok"

"yea I'm ok"

"ok good" Draco said smiling
"well I better go now"

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