Back To School: Chapter 1

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September finally arrives and summer vacation for Illinois students is coming to its complete end with only four days of it left, including the weekend. Thus, this Thursday morning Galivinth is heading out of his apartment and heading to the store to buy school supplies with the money his grandmother gave him. Just as it's been the case for several months now, his relative Naeth is there to meet him at the front of the apartment building.

This morning, without breaking what seems to be an unspoken tradition, Galivinth is wearing his usual fashion of a black hoodie over a black t-shirt, black fitted jeans, and of course his equally as black pair of converse sneakers. Naeth on the other hand is sporting a red and thin wool sweater with its sleeves both rolled up above his elbows. His multi-task device that resembles a thick leather bracer with a watch sewn into it on his right wrist, while a yellow thin rubber band loosely rests around his left wrist. On his legs are snow-white cargo pants that are tucked into the red shin-high steel-toe boots on his feet.

"Oh, morning there. I didn't know you were going out today." Naeth remarks as the two stand before each other.

"Hey, man. I'm just going to the store to pick up some school supplies, is all." Galivinth responds as he tucks his hands away into the pockets of his jeans.

"School? I see. I hadn't thought to ask about your academic studies since meeting you..."

"It's not a big deal or anything. I mean, besides the fact that we can't hang out as much as we have been once I go back on Monday. You can come with me if you want. I've only got this one thing to do and then I'm probably heading straight back home." Galivinth tells him.

"Certainly. Though, I'm not quite sure why you attending school would prevent us from spending time together." Naeth responds. Then the two boys begin walking side-by-side toward their destination.

"Well, my classes start at 8:45am Monday through Friday, and school doesn't let out until 3:25pm. Then I have to get homework, but after that I'm free to do what I want until 9pm. Which is when I have go to bed to rest for the next day of school." Galivinth explains.

"Ah, understandable. I... think? You'll retire for bed every night at 9pm? Seems like earthlings don't have a lot of energy."

"...Now that you mention it, I have noticed it takes me just about two whole days to get to the point of getting sleep. Which... wasn't really a thing before I met my dad. How long do you usually stay up for?"

"Typically, three earth days, but occasionally when I want to stay up even longer, I can just about manage four days before I finally tucker out." Naeth answers, earning a questioning look from his cousin.

"FOUR days? That's insane, dude... What do you even do with all that time you spend awake?"

"Nothing out of the ordinary. Train my body, visit you, attend five hours of academics, magic training, then a bit more physical training, read a book or look up earth media on the interweb, and just repeat that cycle for as long as I can.

"Wow, being a cryonean is so weird... You guys are like super humans." Galivinth comments - which makes Naeth casually arch a brow.

"Superhuman? No, just an objectively superior lifeform. I'd say Earthlings seem like lesser cryoneans in my eyes."

"Ehh. Fair enough." Galivinth responds. Silence settles in as the two make their way into the parking lot of the strip mall near the teen's home, though what ends up putting an end to that quietness is none other than Shurman Edwards, a.k.a 'Big Red'.

"Ayo, G!" The redhead of a lean male calls out as he comes jogging up from behind to join them, playfully snaking an arm around Galivinth's shoulders once he does catch up. This day, his outfit consists of a white durag, a red t-shirt, a pair of baggy stonewash blue jeans held in place by a simple leather belt, white wristbands on both of his arms, and a pair of white gym shoes.

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