Back To School: Chapter 5

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The weekend passes and the next week of school begins for Galvinth. This Monday morning, even during a fraction of the weekend, he practices the basics of Tiger Style Kung-Fu. Posture up straight, feet spread two and a half feet apart, knees slightly bent, hands flat with every finger stretching and sticking closely like knife hands, arms fully outstretching in front of him, and his left wrist laying on top of his right in a cross formation. He slowly inhales and begins drawing his hands back, eventually rolling his shoulders as his arms gracefully part ways in a fashion that looks as if he's wiping across a window in front of him with both hands before they seamlessly extend outward again. He exhales that intake of oxygen as his limbs take up the posture of crossing at the wrists like before. He repeats this initiating gesture several more times before changing it up by the fourth cycle. He draws his hands inward, simultaneously bringing forth the aura of his soul essence around his body as he rotates his forearms just as they're aligning horizontally to the region of his pectorals. As he does, the palms of his hands wind up facing upward. Quickly, his arms divide and go in opposite directions, yet both adopt a claw-like gesture. His left arm extends out in a straight line in front of him while his right retracts into a bending state and positions its respective hand beside his head. He spends the next five minutes transitioning between the two movements.

Finally, the time to leave for school arrives and he takes his leave of his home after grabbing his bookbag. Unlike before, Big Red isn't outside to accompany him on the walk to school. He takes the trip by himself. Also unlike last week, the first thing he sees upon entering the building is three U-shaped lines curving around a corner and two lengthy wooden desks taking up most of the pathway ahead, where the ‘enforcers’ seem to be handing out apparel. Before he can brush it off and go about his way, one of the enforcers make an announcement to the recent students arriving via a megaphone.

“For those of you who are just arriving, please find your place in the back of the line in an orderly fashion before you head anywhere else. Thank you.” Words from the female speaking that makes Galivinth arch a brow in annoyance. Nonetheless, he does indeed oblige the request. 

About six minutes go by before it's at long last his turn to step up to the very front of one the three lines. There to service him is none other than Seth Chansen, presenting a simple smile in the face of Galivinth's mild expression of contempt.

“And look who it is. Doing well this morning, Carrenmale?”

“Just fine… Jerk.” Galivinth responds calmly, though obviously he hasn't forgotten about last week.

“Did we not learn anything from before?” The head of the enforcers questions just before grabbing a clothing item from the lineup on the table and hands over something black to Galivinth.

“You'd have an easier time here if you'd just comply and respect authority. We can get along, you know?” Seth tells him. The latter goes on to take the article of clothing and proceed to unfold it in order to examine it better. Galivinth discovers it's a 2X black hoodie bearing the school's name and crest on its back and right shoulder.

“I'm not looking for trouble, but I can't respect what you do. What you did…

 And what's this about? I don't really have money to pay for this…” Galivinth responds.

“It's free of charge! No worries at all. This has all been covered by generous parental figures of the Red Pyramid members.” Seth informs.

“Red Pyramid?”

“Yes. The official name of enforcers of the Betterment Program.” Seth clarifies.

“...How interesting. I think I'll pass on accepting anything from you guys.” 

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