Olympian Bloodline Chapter 3 / Back To School Chapter 4

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"Uuuugh…" Righteous Lad groans as his consciousness returns to him, eventually easing his way into sitting up as he holds the side of his head.

"He's awake!" A familiar feminine voice announces, drawing the attention of the hero. Turning his head, it's there Tyson sees Alexecute lowering to kneel beside him on the grass beneath him.

"Hey, you okay, boss?" She asks while placing a hand atop of his shoulder.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just a little dizzy. What happened?" He asks.

"I'M what happened." Hurleon reminds him, giving a cheeky grin as he leans against a nearby tree with his arms folded. Surely enough, flashes of their fight come rushing to the forefront of his thoughts. 

"Oh yeah… At some point, I couldn't tell what was happening anymore." He admits, sighing while leaning back on his hands afterwards.

"Where are we, anyway?"

"A field near the Southwest mall. I couldn't really bring you back to HQ because of those guys." Alexecute answers, motioning toward the bunch behind her with a tilt of her head. It's then someone else steps forward to stand beside the heroine and tower over the sitting male. The blonde from before.

"My apologies– Righteous Lad, was it? I know our sudden and admittedly brazen visit hasn't been one of the friendliest, but I assure you that I'm here for a good reason. Will you lend me your ear and spare some time?" The male requests just before extending a hand in offer. With little delay, Righteous Lad reaches to accept the help and rises to stand on his feet. His companion, Alexecute, also stands.

"Sure. Asclepius, was it? I don't understand what's going on, so I'm all for hearing an explanation and sorting things out peacefully." Righteous Lad responds. 

"Yes, that is my name. But before we resume, would you be willing to tell me your real name?" The blonde inquires, earning a skeptical look from the hero.

"My real name…? Like government name?"

"Your name at birth. Your TRUE name." The blonde specifies, causing a brief state of surprise to overtake the other' s face. 

"It's… Konnence." Tyson answers reluctantly.

"Oh? I see. Were you told the meaning of it, by any chance?" Asclepius prods further.

"Yeah. Yeah, I was… My birth mother gave me

 that name and told me it means He Who Shines With Warm Radiance In The Coldness of Hel." He obliges. The blonde blinks curiously and even more of his doubt fades from his thoughts.

"Wait, your real name is Konnence? And THAT'S what it means?" Alexecute questions while arching a brow and crossing her arms.

"What does that even imply? Like… you're the warmest thing from a super hot place like Hell?" The question draws a visibly uncomfortable look onto Tyson's face.

"No, no… HEL as in H.E.L. Not H. E. Double hockey sticks. She says it's the coldest place within the nine realms. Even so, that's still not too much better. HEL is not only my birth mother's name, but it's where bad people go to suffer in the afterlife. It's a place that's also called Niflheim. I don't fully know if she was referring to herself or Niflheim, though." Tyson elaborates.

"So my suspicion may very well be correct, then. Perhaps… Tell me, what is the Olympian Sun God, Apollo,  to you?" Asclepius chimes in to question. Yet again, a question that draws a look of discomfort upon Righteous Lad's face.

"He's… he's…" The hero struggles to find his words. He knows the answer, but there's complications that make him hesitant to be upfront. The painful contrast of lying also nags at him.

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