Back To School (Final)

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[Galivinth / One Week Later]

“Oh, what? You think you're a tough guy now or something?” Malaric, the leading figure of the group of punks in red blazers from last time, questions mockingly as he approaches to stare Galivinth down. The half cryonean looks at him with a mostly calm demeanor while rolling up the sleeves of his black school hoodie one after the other. Doing so, he reveals the elbow-length hand wraps he's made a habit of wearing daily since Friday three days ago.

“No, just better prepared. I don't think you're a concern anymore, because I've been preparing for this…” The teen with monochrome moon-like eyes responds as he proceeds to crack his right set of knuckles against his left palm, and does the same with his left knuckles. Every last one of them can be heard popping between the two boys. However, the student in red finds the display to be nothing more than an amusing front to appear brave in a situation where the lonesome male in black has no numbers on his side.

“Ha! Get a load of this guy! You've been watching too many martial arts movies, man. There's no way you can win.” Malaric insists before leaning in to threateningly invade the cryonean's personal space.

“I'll give you one more chance to apologize and empty your pockets. Don't embarrass yourself like this… You REALLY don't know what you're dealing with here.”

“You're STILL talking? Get out of my face or I'll move you myself.” Galivinth retorts, disregarding the proposal given to him from the other. 

“Hey… YOU ASKED FOR THIS!” Malaric barks, quickly transitioning from casually pulling his hands out of his pockets, to giving a swift right jab aiming for Galivinth's face. That attack misses and is immediately given a counter reaction. Galivinth's aura engulfs his own entire body as he sways to the left with a ducking lean while simultaneously thrusting his own right hand upward to slam into Malaric's chin with a palm attack that jerks the male's skull into looking skyward. In addition, there's a faint yet very unusual flash light on impact of Galivinth's blow that sounds like a gust of wind combined with the thud of flesh meeting flesh.

The same flashes come again as Malaric stumbles backwards and Galivinth swiftly follows to close the gap again to continue his assault.

“No more!” The cryonean states as he gives several poking jabs with both sets of his point and middle fingers, striking indiscriminately at the other's torso and dropping him to the ground immediately. 

“You're gonna pay for that!” One of the other five boys in red barks before they all rush forward past their fallen friend to get to Galivinth. The cryonean lifts his hands and slightly bends his knees, preparing to stand his ground. The second of the group to throw a punch at him is beat out easily by Galivinth's elevated speed. The youth in black stomps his right foot forward in unity of thrusting his right tiger-stance fist against his attacker's stomach, and sends the male stumbling back with so much momentum that he trips over Malaric's body and winds up rolling 20 feet away down the block. Just like before, there's another flash of faint light upon impact. 

The third attempt comes from someone to his left in the form of a roundhouse kick that's zeroing for his upper chest. Alert and reflexes beyond what they are normally, Galivinth extends his left arm forward to stop the kick promptly by catching the male's shin with his hand, then follows up by spin his body in a clockwise 180 to strike the side of the attacker's face with his right elbow, and ends it with a counterclockwise 180 spin to trip the male off his foot with a sweeping kick. However, as soon as he releases the fallen male's leg and turns to confront the next person, he's swiftly met with a thrusting kick that was meant to strike his back but winds up slamming against his chest instead, resulting in him stumbling back and bumping into the side of a car. 

Gray Heroics: Book 2 Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant