il dottore ✓

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Y/n's irises glimmered in both fright, frenzy, and concupiscence when she peered at how four of Dottore's clones circled around her in the puny size of his soft hydraulic bed: hunger, lust, and desire carved in their faces and eyes whilst they're staring at how she's open only for their gazes, even her husband who's seated on the far-rear of the room is just watching how he heartbeat would fasten every now and then.

The segments or also known as clones are also all stark-naked together with her whose palms grazed at the manacles and fetters, the shackles holding her frame still above the metallic bed so she can never escape from Dottore's grasp.

"This is just an experiment of one's body and the opposite reaction can one give during the process. Surely, it wouldn't be that heavy to bear?" Dottore, who's seated on the far-rear of his lab's chambers with a pen and some papers by his hands, stared at her and didn't get to not help himself from getting pent up from the sight of his wife's bare body in front of him. And although he's envious that his clones get to touch y/n and he couldn't do it for now, he still remained blunt in his so-called composure, enigmatic like the usual.

"That pygmy bud in between the folds is named 'clitoris', I named it and it certainly looks like a clam's pearl if I'm one to speak. Can one of my segments touch it and opt for a reaction from my wife? Rub it if you may." The Doctor motioned, following a stare on how one of his clone's palms landed above her wife's clit before he went on to rub it sideways, earning a loud mewl from y/n when her body felt the pressure of the clone's slight touch and how he slithered his fingers in her folds.

Closing her thighs tautly, keeping his touch away from hers, she failed right soon when the other clone's strong palms caught her knees fleetly before widely spreading it again for the first clone's access. A mewl slipped past her throat again, her hips buckled up at the pressure and pleasure it brought, the way the pads of his fingers scraped and rasped on that bundle of nerves between her folds had her so crazy.

"Doctor!" She called out when she felt the segment inserted a finger inside her, his other hand didn't stop rasping her clit until she was a wet and drastic mess beneath all of them whilst the doctor who heard her plea just once again told the first clone to insert three of his digits without hurting his wife, making y/n's breathing hitched when she felt how the clone abided; three of the first clone's fingers svelte and thick fingers entered and stretched her out to the brim.

Slowly, he started moving all three of it, earning a pained groan from the lady who felt like she's being tortured all over her pussy even though it felt so good; it felt so good how his fingers didn't fail to scrape on that spot, and how his other palm didn't stop rubbing her swollen clit.

"Now, eat her out. Use that tongue to twirl around the clitoris and don't ever stop even if her legs are shaking..." Y/n once again heard her husband commanded but she was too in daze to even hear the other words he spoke whilst Dottore just watched as the first clone who was rubbing her clit a while ago lowered his head in between her thighs, simpering on the thought of eating her out just like how his Master instructed.

Parting his lips, sticking his tongue out, he sucked on y/n's bud, his tongue twirled all around her clit whilst nibbling, nipping, and tasting her like she's the most palatable recipe of Teyvat. His cock grew harder every passing second whilst he flattened his tongue around her, curving it along to stroke her clit, all for the pleasure of the Doctor whose pants already started suffocating his cock inside but none of them stopped amidst the concupiscence and edge.

"Alright. Now, the three of you that's left. I need a reaction from every single one of you, too. One of you, please pinch the part called 'nipples', then the other should shove the part called 'cock' inside her mouth, and the other can go kiss my wife's overall body. Move and don't ever stop doing it until I order you to do so." Dottore smirked, his erection grew harder every minute while staring at how four of his clones moved to his own accord and wants but he knows that he can't use his hands for now as he was monitoring and analysing reactions from the group.

"Please be good to me." The second clone blushed as he was redirecting his hard cock on y/n who has her head facing sideways, and even though that position alone hurted, she nodded before opening her mouth - a cue for the second clone's cock to enter inside it's hot interior inch by inch.

"Hmp!" Dottore heaved a deep breath when he heard how y/n moaned and hardly sucked on the second clone's cock, seemed like unable to contain the pleasure of being eaten out or close her legs shut due to the fact that the first clone's strength doubled hers.

Added by the motion of how the second clone bucked his hips forward, her eyes watered at the nictitate his tip made as it nuzzled through the walls of her mouth whilst the second clone momentarily threw his head back at the feeling, his throat remained arid at the feeling of her scalding mouth engulfing him whole, sucking him off, earning a loud gasp out his lips when she gently scraped her tongue along the thick vein of his cock.

It had him mewling like crazy when he felt her tongue trace along the vein until it reached his rosy tip, hollowing her cheeks to suck on it again before looking up whilst she's bobbing her head forward.

It was beyond heavens for the second clone that he can't help his hand from gathering her h/c tresses, pushing her head furthermore so she would take him whole before thrusting his hips forward so she can meet a few prop of his pelvis.

"Hmm." The third clone who's just beside her kept on pinching her right nipple, his throat let out searing mewls while palming his cock, his mouth was busy leaving sultry kisses above y/n's skin whilst sucking on her nipple every now and then. He was too busy, they were all in a frenzy as they pleased every vertex of her body according to the instructions of their Master.

"Dottore, please!" Y/n plea for his name, her lips parting from the excruciating concupiscence, her breast bounced at the same momentum of the clone's thrust, and when she felt the peak of her climax...

"Stop." Dottore chuckled, "I'm beyond stupid, that's how I am for not realizing that I actually forgot to record your analysis."

You panted, "W-what?"

"We might need to start again, y/n. That's what I mean." His smirk grew.

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