XIV - Caroline

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Everybody turned around and saw a Gorgon standing there, her ugly snake hair hissing in anger. "Looks like we have some new heroes—as well as a few Hunters of Artemis to eat," Another voice said, stepping out of the shadows and smiled evilly. Caroline helped Leo and Annabeth get Thalia to safety as a few Hunters stayed with her for protection while the three demigods prepared for a fight. It would be easy: three half-bloods and a group of highly skilled archers against two Gorgons—a clear win in at least an hour or two. Caroline prepared her gladius, ready to do whatever it is she did to the cage to the Gorgon sisters as Annabeth took out her dagger and shield while Leo conjured a flame and took out his hatchet. The Hunters gripped their hunting knives tightly as everyone stood their ground, "FOR THALIA GRACE!" Annabeth yelled, and everyone charged for the Gorgons as the sisters punched and kicked whoever they could as they armed themselves with their strange spinal javelins. Euryale was about to impale a Hunter, but Caroline's gladius pressed against the javelin, then used the thrust attack against her, but the Gorgon dodged her blow with ease. "Foolish daughter of Minerva," She taunted, "Just because you're a Roman, doesn't mean you'd know how to fight like one!" As right as Euryale was, Caroline knew that she didn't need training—she was a child of the goddess of battle strategy, and knew how to fight instinctively. Now Caroline's body was in the right positioning to cut Euryale's head off with a single swing. But just as she was about to do so, Euryale grabbed the blade of Caroline's gladius just as it was about to slice her neck and held it tight in her bony hand. She was about to kill Caroline, but a hatchet impaled her in the neck, beheading her instantly as her head fell to the ground and her body collapsing. "As I've said before: don't—hurt—my—girlfriend!" Leo declared, and Caroline smiled at him, "Thanks, Leo." Leo smiled back and prepared himself for more fighting as Caroline tossed him his hatchet, which he caught by the handle with ease. Stheno cried, "My sister!" She immediately became angry at Leo, and was prepared to kill him, but Caroline and Annabeth grabbed her, Annabeth jumping on her back in a wrestling move, her arms around her neck tightly while Stheno tried to get her off. Caroline stabbed her in the stomach, but it didn't seem to effect her. "What the—" Stheno shoved Annabeth off, who landed on the cold stone floor on her back with a groan. Two Hunters came over and helped Annabeth stand up as Caroline's gladius was penetrated by Stheno's javelin and was pressed downwards, making Caroline nearly drop her weapon. She was too strong for Caroline to defeat, and it seemed like the Hunters' knives didn't work on her. Before Caroline was about to be killed, a bright silver light appeared, and a tanned woman with black hair and grey eyes wearing a grey dress with a Greek helmet on her head appeared, glaring at the monster with hatred. "Step away from my daughter!" She ordered, but Stheno didn't budge. "Too late, Athena," Stheno said. "Centuries too late!" Stheno shoved Caroline to the ground, causing her to surrender, dropping her gladius in defeat. Athena threw her three-foot sword into Stheno's neck just as she was about to stab Caroline to death. Caroline looked at her, "M—Mom?" She managed, and the goddess nodded, "Yes, dear child. It is me, in my true form." Caroline stood up, but felt like kneeling in front of her mother for no reason. "You have used your wisdom as an advantage, my dear Caroline. Using your fighting abilities to win a tough battle. That is what I meant when I was in your windowsill as an owl." Athena gave her a motherly smile as Annabeth walked over, standing next to her sister. "Hello, Annabeth. You have been a wonderful friend to Caroline—staying by her side during battle. I am very proud of you both." Annabeth smiled, "Thank you, mother. I have waited years to hear you say that," Annabeth admitted. "I have always been proud of you during your entire life. You've just never realized it." Caroline looked around, and saw everyone kneeling in front of them—including Leo. Athena looked at Caroline's gladius that was still laying on the ground, now with a crack between the blade. She picked up the sword, and clenched it in her hands, were it instantly became golden, with the words Senatus Populusque Romanus along the right side in Latin, and she handed it to Caroline. "There. It is now Imperial Gold. It is also unbreakable as well." Caroline smiled, "Thanks, Mom." Athena smiled, and snapped her fingers, were a bronze sword appeared in front of Annabeth. "Something for you, as well. I think you deserve a much stronger weapon for future battles," Annabeth held the leather grip in her hand, "It feels right. Thank you, Athena." Athena smiled, then snapped her fingers once more, and then turned into a silver owl that soon disappeared in flight.

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