-11. together and alone

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AMARA WAITED AT THE DOOR of the dance studio, her ankles crossed, and bag over her shoulder.

"i'm here." milo said, as he locked his car and jogged over to amara.

amara smiled seeing him, "first time seeing you without a masquerade mask." amara said. "same here."

"now come on, i've already lost 10 minutes of my renting time."

the two walked inside, greeting the person at the front.

once they got to the studio amara had rented, milo found the bench and then sat.

amara took out her pointe shoes, along with some stuff she had to put on her feet beforehand.

amara took out her pointe shoes she had bought the day before, and started to bang them on the ground, and stepping on them.

"dude? what are you doing, those look new?" milo asked, as he walked over to amara.

"i'm breaking them in, so i can dance better and they feel better on my feet." amara said.

"wow, why did i ask that you know what you're doing. i shouldn't have interfered, this is your area. i'm just here to watch." milo said.

"hey no it's fine. you were confused and didn't know so you ask. that's like if i asked you, why do you guys mark up your scripts."

"to make things easier to remember, and to know what to do at certain times."

"exactly, it's our own careers, asking questions are fine."

milo smiled as amara started to prep for her point shoes, zoning off.

he wasn't embarrassed that he had asked a dumb question , because she made him feel comfortable, and like everything would be okay.

"don't you think it's crazy, how i've known you for exactly a month." amara said sitting in a middle split.

"oh right, it's december 1st." milo said. "a few more days until 2022."

"2 years since the pandemic started." milo said, "ugh don't even remind me. i almost died."


"no, literally. i got covid a few months after it started. in the hospital for 3 weeks."

"shoot, that's insane." milo said, coming to sit on the ground where amara was doing different stretches.

"i stopped breathing at one point, they thought i was dead. until i started to breath, had a pulse."

"i like to believe meg brought me back. she worse a full body suit every time she visited me. she said she was holding my hand, telling to me about our childhood when my monitor started to show i was breathing."

"is that why you guys are so close?" milo asked. "i mean yeah, but we were close before. it like permanently bonded us together, you know?"

milo nodded, and amara stood up finishing her stretches. "sorry, you came here for ballet not a therapy session."


"so, i'm gonna do this thing called fouettés, they're just a fancy word for turns."

amara's never practiced with someone else in the room, except her instructors and fellow students, but it was milo and honestly she was kinda nervous she was gonna mess up.

amara got into her starting position, and she began to turn.

she used the clock above the mirror as a spot, turning and turning, not knowing how many she was doing.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑 ,, milo manheimWhere stories live. Discover now