-19. holly jolly christmas

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"MAN NOBODY UNDERSTANDS HOW much i love christmas." amara said, skipping down the steps into the living room.

"not even me." meg questioned. "nope not even you mega meg." amara said.

meg and bella, amara's sister were making the christmas breakfast.

both meg and amara's families were coming over for christmas, just like they did for thanksgiving.

amara flew her parents and sister out, since they lived in new york and amara and meg lived in los angeles.

"mom and dad said they're gonna be here in 30." bella said.

"oh shoot, what if everything isn't ready." amara said, going to the oven to check on her cinnamon rolls.

"every thing is gonna be ready mara, i swear."  meg said, as she mixed a bunch of eggs to scramble them.

"yeah aj, we got this." bella said.


a family nickname, made by amara's grandmother. amara julie, was her first and middle name. combined the first three letters and you get aj.

only her family and people she loves dearly calls her aj. meg's allowed to, but she decides not to and continues on with mara or a stupid nickname.

"you guys better. i still have to wrap 4 presents, and some to mail out." amara said, taking the cinamon rolls out and letting them cool.

she then walked back upstairs, going to her bedroom.

ginger was laying in her dog bed as amara wrapped gifts as the grinch played on her tv.

you would think she was watching home alone, one of the most iconic christmas movies of all time but she couldn't.

it was a tradition, that as they made christmas cookies home alone played on the throne's projector they had every year.

meg had taken down the photos on the wall across from the kitchen, just so they can see the movie on the wall.

amara is the queen of traditions, and as much as she couldn't wait to watch home alone she refused to break the tradition. it had been going on since 1st grade, when meg had visited with her mom on christmas day at night.

"okay girl, we have to get your matching pj's on." amara said, going over to get her dog.

obviously everyone slept on christmas eve with their pjs, but ginger refused and they still had to take photos.

this time ginger was more calm, putting on the pajamas easily.

"good girl!" amara smiled, giving ginger a treat which she licked clean.

amara left the grinch on, since ginger likes to watch whatever is on the tv.

amara frosted her cinnamon rolls, and bella and meg finished the rest of the breakfast.

then just as amara was setting the table the doorbell rang and meg opened the door.

"you know how many dirty looks we got wearing pajamas out the house?" ms. thorne said as she walked inside.

"really mom. no hello, just complaining. i see where i get it from." amara said.

"sorry sorry, hi meg, hi my sweet children." ms. thorne spoke.

the parents started to converse, the men immediately going to help bring the food over to the dining table.

once everything was set up the families combined to eat the food the younger ones had made.

𝐆𝐎𝐋𝐃𝐄𝐍 𝐇𝐎𝐔𝐑 ,, milo manheimWhere stories live. Discover now