First's P.O.V.

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It's been a week since we were in Wind's Hyrule. We portaled again, but we were in my Hyrule just six weeks after Skyview rose into the clouds. I wasn't happy about being back here I gave up so much and almost my life only to be forgotten. And now I was back here with only Strider. She's an okay person I think the main reason that a majority of us don't like her is that she's not from Hyrule but despite that, she's willing to learn about Hyrule as a whole but my main issue with her is her lack of respect for Hylia even going so far as to call her a whore or slut.

Mind you things might have changed between when I knew Hylia and Strider's time, but she should stop with the derogetory name calling. And I was now stuck with Strider in a forest in my era. "So any family?" I asked a bit uncomfortably as we walked through a war torn village in hopes of some small talk.

"Dad's dead. Never knew my mom. Grandpan is gone. My grandmother takes care of my baby brother and I...," Strider monotoned as we walked through the village.

"So what's earth like?" I asked after my first question failed I was trying to find out a bit more about the girl and she's like a mountain tall, stong, unyeilding, and absolutly dangerous at the drop of a hat.

"Very different from Hyrule or any other world I've been to," Strider responded.

"How so?" I asked a bit curious. I could tell the others what I've learned once we met back up with them.

"For starters we aren't a united world unlike the rest of Yydrasil. The poeple on Earth don't tend to get along with one another all that well we only unite with one another if there's a threat to the planet as a whole but otherwise we leave each other alone as best we can," Strider answered

"Sounds lonely," I responded

"Not really over 200 countries some get along some don't. Living on a hair trigger of war is fun," Strider sarcastically said that last part.

I winced. "Descrimination, sexism, racisim oh goody. Sure Earth may not have many good points but it home," Strider finished

"Sounds overly complicated," I answered giving her a sympathetic glance.

"Yeah but we like it that way. Honestly it's like the gods grew bored of peace and unity and then threw the most broken race on the equally as broken planet and said 'fuck it'. Oh who the fuck am I kidding that's exactly what happened," Strider huffed as she glared at the sky as if knowing she was being watched.

"Please that can't be the case," I said as I tried to soothe her.

"Ever been to Omnipotence City?" Strider asked giving me a look.

"I've heard of it that's were Hylia would go from time to time to ask for help," I recalled

"It's the city of the gods of all pantheons. Earth has more pantheons than any any galaxy has combined. One our many gods from one of our many pantheons, Zues, rules Omnipotence city with the rest of the Greek/Roman Patheon. The city itself is gorgeous but the occupants...," Strider made a face of disgust, "Not so much"

I frowned, "What about Hylia how can you judge her like you do them?"

"Well after she tries to kill you because your not Hylian or male then we can talk," Strider bit back at me.

"She's a belevoloent Goddess!" I shouted at her

"Is she? She set off the series of events that allowed all of us of the chain to be here. her decendants are always having to be rescued from one thing or another. She allowed the .... Nevermind," Strider growled as she walked away from me

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