Four's P.O.V.

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So the fact that Strider naturally had eyes like that was certainly a shock to the entire group, but we all got over it (Time, Wind, and Warriors getting over it sooner than the rest of us, having already met the infamous Tony).

That was two days ago and we were teleported to my Hyrule just an hour ago in the Minish forest. Thankfully Strider caught me before I landed on my face in some brush. "Seriously," Blue said a bit put off by her.

"I think she's sweet," Red said

"She's like us, used to working on a team so she knows when to catch someone when they are falling," Vio said.

"Do you need to split?" Strider asked me as she put me down on the ground interrupting my mental fight.

"Wait how do you know about that?" I asked her

"The magic on your sword carries that type of signature on it," Strider answered, "And it's easy to tell when you're arguing with yourself. Bruce Banner and Hulk, teammates of mine back home used to make the same face whenever they were arguing, but unlike you, they can only physically switch places with one another.  And he wasn't the only one who's like that either. Raven is also like that, but she like yourself can split herself apart with the magic that she inherited from her father because it made some things easier for her to deal with mentally," Strider informed me.

"They sound like great people," I told her

"They are and something tells me that if you were left alone with Banner we'd have to physically pry the two of you apart," Strider joked before nodding at me to go ahead and split, "I'll let you know when the others approach unless you don't want me to?"

"No please do, I'm not ready for them to know just yet," I told her before splitting apart

"Thanks' we needed that," Green told her

"No problem," Strider said catching Blue's hammer to her person with ease normally only seen by Twilight, "So any idea where we are?"

"We're in the Minish Forest not that far from my Castle Town. And don't worry you probably won't have to talk to Dot," Vio informed Strider as Red ran around rampant with a bunch of fairies following after him.

"Thank the heavens for that since I don't think I'll be up to meeting a Zelda for a while after Sun," Strider winced looking a bit guilty for putting Sun through what would be the basics back in her era which ultimately caused Sun to get a fractured wrist.

"Yeah, giving her an agility course like that for her to do probably wasn't the best choice even if she did ask for it," Vio told her

"I know, but I figured that since you guys have denser muscles and bones than I do that she could handle something like that. I'll have to keep that in mind from now on," Strider sighed

"What do you mean by denser muscles and bones than you?" Vio asked

"Yeah Hylian's have a denser body structure than a human does, you guys can take a good bit of punishment and not suffer that much from it. And not to mention you guys weigh more than what is considered normal for a human," Strider informed Vio.

"Really? Just how frail are humans?" Vio asked

"Frail. And no I'm not a good measure of that frailty since Mutants, Metas, Inhumans, and everyone else in that group like me are considered superhuman," Strider clarified giving Vio and Green a knowing look.

"Ah," Vio said as an inquisitive look crossed his face.

"I'll lend you four a book on the superhuman subgroups after we've found everyone else," Stider told me," So shall we head into town?"

"Sure, but our father might be in town," Green told Strider

"Is everything alright between the five of you?" Strider asked the four of us with a look of genuine concern on her face.

"Everything is fine, he's just overprotective," Blue grumbled in complaint

"Isn't that normal for a parent though considering the field we're in?" Strider asked not even phased by Blue's demeanor in the slightest.

"Fair enough," Vio responded after a few minutes.

"By the way do the four of you want to recombine before we enter town, I can sense a few of our teammates already in town," Strider informed them.

"Yeah good idea, thanks," Green said before the four colors recombined back into me.

"You alright?" Strider asked me

"Yeah I'm fine," I reassured her before heading towards Castle Town with Strider in tow.

"Alright I'll buy it for now, but if you start going downhill on me..."Strider let that threat hang in the air.

Were all human's like this? "Alright," I told her.

"Now you said that this place is called the Minish Forest, correct? Why is it called that?" Strider asked me doing a complete 180 with her attitude giving me whiplash.

"You don't have minish on Earth?" I asked her curious

"Up untill you mentioned them I'd never heard of a Minish," Strider answered and I could tell that she was 100% serious about it.

"Small mouse like creatures that leave gifts in odd places like the grass or pots?" I asked her hoping to jog her memory.

"That sounds like a brownie aside from the mouse bit to be honest," Strider responded.

"A what?"

"Brownies, their a type of fairy back on Earth along with pixies, sprites, and a whole host of other magical creatures," Strider clarified.

"What?" I asked now extremely confused

"Earth is host toa variety of magical creatures to extremely common fairies that we see at the Fairy Fountains to the absurd half man half beast creations out their," Strider said

"Mermaids are absurd?" I asked her

"No mermaids are quite common esspecially since a couple became the Surface Ambassadors from Atlantis," Strider told me as if it was the most natural thing in the world to happen.

"How?" I was now dumbfounded

"Oh Atlantis joined the United Nations about eleven years ago now and....." Strider started to say

"Not what I meant," I told her as we finally got into town

"Oh you mean the mermaids being the ambasadors despit their less than sociable nature?" Strider asked

"Yes," I sighed happy to be rid of that misunderstanding

"Arthur did it as a sort of joke and the Mermaids played along with it till they found out that they actually like gladhandeling the Abassadors and Representatives of the United nations," Strider told me with a slight undertone of annoyance.

"Whose Arthur?" I asked her

"Oh right is full title is King Arthur of Atlantis or as he's better know as Aquaman among the hero community," Strider said

"You have a king in the hero community?!" I nearly shouted in shock.

"Arthur isn't the only king. There's T'challa, Black Bolt, Namor, Black Adam is kinda up in the air  since he's an anti-hero but he has gotten better recently since we found his queen. But yeah royalty amongst the hero community isn't an oddity. Royalty always serves during times of strife and all that," Strider said and my jaw dropped

By the golden three if the magic of the four sword doesn't kill me then I know that trying to mentally keep up with Strider will.

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