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Once Goose swallowed the rest of the Chain the Fluriken hopped into the hood of my uniform where it fell asleep. Traversing the path to Midgard was uneventful as always but getting pulled into a hug by Batman was as comforting as it was terrifying as he'd apparently had just finished fighting off Manta who'd tried to encroach on Penguins turf.

"Am I in trouble?" I squeaked out

"12 hours in the danger room and your lucky that you didn't miss your finals....hello to you to Goose Fury was looking for you," Batman said in his usual manner.

"Um... Bat's that's going to have to wait until I get to New York,"

"Let me guess Goose swallowed your predecessors because you didn't want to break my rules? Smart. How many traveled with you?" Batman asked

"Eleven though there is proof of there being three more, but Goose currently has eleven in their stomach, " I said glad to be talking with someone like Batman after what was essentially months away from home (stupid time travel).

"Head to back to base Goose can puke them up there afterwards take them via boomtube to New York," Batman said before going to the batmobile and driving off.

"Got it, " I said before I took flight and headed to the Batcave.

Once at the Batcave, Goose spit up the members of the Chain.

"You are doing laundry for the next couple months by yourself, " Time said as he flicked the saliva off of his armor.

"Worth not getting an extra five hours in the danger room/training tacked on," I responded flatley before heading to the teleporter.

"C'mon we're still in Gotham.... oh I forgot welcome to the Batcave and Midgard," I said as I opened up the Batcave  to Avengers compound channel,"wait here once the light turns blue walk through one at a time "

I then walked to the light the machine called out," AJL-01 Strider recognized", as it teleported to the other end.

After about fifteen minutes the others arrived safely at the Avengers Compound all of them worse for wear since they all immediately threw up once at the compound.

"Never again, " Time coughed

"You get used to it," I said before getting barreled into by not one but two little girls Cassie and Morgan or Scott and Tony's daughters respectively.

"AUNTIE LINK!" both girls cheered as they clung to my legs

"Hey munchkins or is it Oompa Loompas," I smiled picking them off of my legs and holding them both in my arms making them giggle as they wrapped their arms around my neck to give me hugs.

"Alright go find your daddy's you especially Morgan," I said putting both girls down just in time to grab a sobbing early preteen kryptonian making me partially glad that my skeleton was coated in Adamantium or else I'd have a broken spine,"good to see you too superboy".

The guys thankfully stayed quiet as the kids came up to greet me one by one. "What I've babysat all of them at least nine times since I've known their respective parents, " I told them as Flash's twins ran around at ultrafast speeds much like their father.

"How?" Twilight asked as he watched Superman's son fly without any tech assistance.

"I never said it was easy, " I said as the kids scurried off as Tony ran into the room seemingly relieved to see me as he gave me a tight hug.

"Don't worry us like that again, " Tony said before walking away and scooping Warriors, Wind, and Time into a hug,"and it's good to see you three again".

"" Time asked

"I'm Tony Stark of course I would know who you are even after all this time, " Tony bragged with a smile, "now I prepared for this Strider get changed into a your civvies then take the boomtube to Avengers tower you were gone for twenty four hours so change the study for your finals tomorrow morning I'll tell Aunt May to bring you dinner while you study. Meanwhile the rest of you are to come with me so we can get you acceptable Midgard clothes because these won't cut it," Tony said flapping a hand at the boys current attire with mild distaste.

"Got it," I said turning back to the boomtube but Time stopped me.

"Tony as good as it is to see you again.  I can't allow Strider to leave the group to be by herself especially since we've been attacked multiple times since we came together as a group, " Time said

"Look I'll only say this once Links so listen. Strider isn't going to be alone at the tower she'll have backup if she's attacked there's Spider-man, Miss Marvel, and a few other teen and adult superheroes at the tower on top of normal security. And remember this isn't Hyrule, civilians here on Midgard can and will fight back especially against whatever it is that you've been dealing with," Tony stated

"Oh yeah before I leave, Tony Twilight the one wearing the wolf pelt is the exact same size as Rogers. And it's good to see you again, " I smiled at Tony before heading to the tower to follow Tony's orders leaving him with the others

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