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I and everyone else impatiently waited for Twilight and Four to come back. I looked over at Strider who laid motionless where Twilight had laid her far away from everyone.  If it wasn't for the steady rising and falling of her chest I'd have thought the worst.

Twilight returned with several large bundles of wood handing them to Wild. "A few months ago just moments before the Fierce Diety incident Strider told me in confidence that she didn't trust us because we trusted our Zeldas to the point where we'd do anything they asked blindly. And because of it she was always fearful for her own life everytime we left her with a Zelda Tony's seal of approval be damned. And after what happened with Traitor, I understood why she never trusted any of since she thinks we'd just abandon her to be at Zelda's mercy. Her exact words were "They all listen to authority without question, especially where Zelda is concerned". The tree climbing is so she feels at least a little safe while with us," Twilight told everyone suddenly getting it out of the way.

We were all struck silent...Strider didn't trust us? Then again knowing what I know about her history with her Zelda not  to mention how we all reacted putting her Zelda,  aka Traitor,  first, I suddenly understood her distrust of us. And the thing was... I couldn't find it in me to blame her for that decision especially when we proven her point to be correct over and over again. In fact the only time she wasn't alone with Zelda was during meals, when Malon helped her prepare for a ball in Time's era,  and just before this last shift from Legend's era into her's.

"Can't say I blame her," I said after a few minutes.

"But...," Sky started to refute

"No Sky, as much as I'm loathed to admit it Warriors is right," Legend said and I could tell that admitting that really hurt Legend's ego,"if Zelda and Girahime switched places would you want anything to do with him regardless of how much people forced you together after everything?"

Sky's mouth clicked shut before looking at First. "I have to agree as well with that train of thought," First said shaking his head,"after all who in their right mind would hang out with their abuser?"

That got everyone to quiet down just as Strider started to stir with a pained groan.

"Did someone get the license plate off that fourteen wheeler?" Strider groaned as she came to.

"How do you feel?" Time asked her handing her a blue potion

"Like I went a few million rounds with Superman jacked up on red kryptonite on a white/blue sun planet," Strider responded as she rolled her shoulders.

I decided not to ask. "Do you remember what happened?" Sky asked

"My Zelda showed up said a few things then everything went to hell in a handbasket," Strider summarized for us,"everything else was just autopilot.  For example this is the passable path to Gotham city on Midgard".

So that's where this tunnel lead...good to know. Then out of nowhere I heard a Merow

Stunned I turned to see what it was only to come face to face with...an orange cat?

"Goose?" Strider said as the cat walked over to her,"aren't you suppose to be with Fury?"

"Nice cat," Legend said

"Vet, Goose isn't a cat," Strider responded flatley even though Goose was obviously a cat.

"What are you talking about?" Sky said picking Goose up and holding the cat out in front of him, "Twilight said that this was a cat?"

"Sky...please put the Fluriken ..." Strider started to say before suddenly Goose's head did a complete turn so it was now facing Sky, his jaw unhinged before suddenly large tentacles burst out of Goose's mouth before swallowing Sky whole leaving nothing behind not even evidence of the fact that the cat had eaten Sky on its stomach.

I along  with everyone else, save Strider, screamed and ducked behind Time and First, who had their weapons drawn, to hide. Strider though was scolding the not cat.

"No bad Goose spit him out. C'mon spit him out right now, " Strider said patting the not cat on the rump before it suddenly coughed up Sky, who landed right in front of us a complete and slimy mess even his usually clean and spotless cape wasn't free of gunk.

Sky scrambled back away from Goose. "Good Fluriken. That's a good alien kitty, " Strider praised Goose scratching the fluriken under its chin. 

"What the fuck is that!!!!" Poor Hyrule shrieked

"A Fluriken.  Most dangerous alien species in the entire Universe. They look like cats but there's some differences that unless you know what you're looking for you can't tell the difference. Flurikens though tend to bond with people. Goose here belongs to Director Nick Fury of SHIELD but it's weird Flurikens normally don't travel far from their bonded masters...unless said master wants to see havoc wrought on the entire Universe until said Fluriken find them again, " Strider explained as she stood up and Goose hopped on her shoulder," plus they have two stomachs that are like never ending chasms. One for storage that they put their kittens or POS, which tend to be litters of 50 or more, into to protect them from everything and another for eating...judging by the gunk on Sky I say he landed in the kitten stomach".

"Really? Hey Goose could you swallow me?" Wild asked

"No!!!" Everyone, except Strider, shouted at Wild.

Wild pouted, Strider on the other hand pulled out the rotting fish that she'd taken from Wild and tossed it to Goose who swallowed it whole with a satisfied burp. I wasn't going to be looking at cats the same way after this. "Hey that was mine !" Wild shouted

"And? So what? Rotting meat believe it or not is good for Flurikens keeps them healthy. Unlike you, " Strider retorted.


"So Midgard? I don't know about you guys but I could use a change in scenery at least until the next portal shows up," I suggested trying not change the subject.

"Er...I'm starting to regret having Goose cough Sky up now....Because other than myself and a few other people Bateman doesn't like empowered people in his city...and I'd rather not get more time in the danger room than I have to for this so.....Goose," Strider responded and before any of us could object the world went black.

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