8͓̽)💙 𝙷𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚊 𝚡 F!𝚛𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛

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Ever since you first saw Hortensia, you felt different. She wasn't like anybody else you've ever met. She made you feel things you've never felt before. Things you shouldn't feel. You tried to hold them back. Hell, she was in a relationship! The thought kept you awake, begging you to reveal your secret crush on her. You reassured yourself that she was just a friend everyday, but it didn't seem to work that way for you.

(Your POV)

It was recess. Hortensia wasn't there, probably pranking the Trenchbull again. I can't keep her out of my mind. Her girlfriend, Trisha, was an ass when Hortensia wasn't around. She always pushed me in the halls and framed me for everything behind Hortensia's back. I was talking to the new kids, Matilda and Lavender. They had already warmed up to me after the first week, and they kept me company when Hortensia was pulled away by Trisha. I felt something hit my back, and I turned around to see the one and only. She was giggling with her friends as she held a couple paper balls that she had crumpled up. I glared at her and went back to talking to the 3rd graders, when I felt it again. I turned around and walked over to her, fists clenched.

<<What's your problem, Trisha. Why are you so rude to me?>>

<<What? It's just paper. Gosh, how was Hortensia friends with you?>>

She said, giving me a nasty glance up and down. I scoffed.

<<How is Tensia dating someone like you? I tried to see the good in you, but there isn't.>>


She said, trying to get me to do something I would regret.

<<I mean, what does she see in you. Your a total ass.>>

Out of nowhere, she got super emotional as a shadow covered them. Her friends all looked at me stunned, then quietly laughed. I turned around, confused, to meet a familiar face. Hortensia. My mad expression immediately fell. Shit.

<<Can you repeat that?>>

<<I.. how much of that did you hear.?>>


She pushed me away and sat next to Trisha, holding her hand. She held her as she started crying. Trisha held onto her dramatically like a leech. I don't know how she believed her fake acting, but m'kay..

<<Listen, Tensia, she->>

<<No, you listen! Ever since I started dating Trisha, you've been acting like a completely different person. Just because you're jealous someone actually cares about me, don't take it out on my girlfriend.>>

She said, unnecessarily loud. I started to tear up as I felt everyone's eyes on me. I looked around for a second. Everyone was staring. I looked back at Hortensia, who looked as if she had not one ounce of regret in her.

<<You've changed, Hortensia.>>

Her mad expression faltered, only for a split second, at me calling her by her real name. I walked away, shaking my head. How could she? She's only known her for what, 2 months? We've known eachother for 2 years. Did it mean nothing? I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around to find Matilda. I sat down on a nearby bench. My head fell into my hands. I looked away as a tear of disbelief left my eye. She rested her hand on my shoulder.

<<Are you okay?>>

<<Yeah, I'm sure I'll be.. actually, no. I'm- I'm very unokay. It's just.. why did she choose her? What am I doing wrong, Matilda.>>

I rubbed my face and she patted my head. She sat up and told me,

<<Just because you feel like life's not fair, it doesn't mean you just have to grin and bear it. You write your own story.>>

𝓣𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮'𝓼  𝓝𝓸  𝓔𝓼𝓬𝓪𝓹𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓣𝓻𝓪𝓰𝓮𝓭𝔂.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant