We are Doomed

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Chapter One

Seth's POV

"AHHHHHHHH!" I ran as fast as I could to get to the lads so we could hyperventilate with each other. Well, more likely me whining to them. Whatever. I can do what I want. Mind your own business.

"Why the hell are you screaming, Seth?!" Nate said, annoyed that I have interrupted his 'peace'. Pshhhh. Yeah right. As if sitting and closing your eyes would bring you peace. There are still wars all over the world you know! "What's wrong with you?" Nick asked, eyeing me closely.

"Why are all of you so fucking calm?! I'm getting paranoid here! Are you not getting nervous?! That- that girl Aunt Vivien is talking about is arriving today... Right?" I asked, hoping that 'Via' or 'Olvia' will not be arriving today. I cannot handle that much pressure.

 "What are you talking about, Seth?" Nate asked, clearly confused. Seriously?! Were they not listening closely when Aunt V told us about that niece of hers?!

"Oh yeah! I forgot about that!" Jake said. Finally! At least one of us was listening, except me of course. I always listen closely to what someone has to say. For all I know, it could be important.  Like this one. If I didn't listen I would have-, wait I'm just blabbering, I should probably stop now.

"Wait! Hold up? What are you guys talking about? I'm getting lost here." Nick said, annoyed.


 "I just wanna ask a favor from the four of you. I hope you don't mind." Aunt V said.

"Hmmm. That seems serious Aunt V since you're putting your serious face on." Nate said and after a few seconds, he started laughing. And not just the normal laugh -- the laugh where you would look like a retarded person once you started laughing. I gotta admit that even though there is nothing funny about Aunt V being serious, we all burst out laughing. It's pretty contagious. I bet you'd laugh if you were here.

Once our laughter died down, Aunt V cleared her throat. Not a hint of humor visible in her eyes. "Are you done now?" We composed ourselves and nodded. "Good, Now we can continue with my.. favor. And yes Nate, I am serious. My niece is arriving soon and she will be staying here."

I sat there stunned. What? Did I hear her correctly?

"Really? She's gonna be living with us?" Nick asked. 'He must be excited.' I thought bitterly. "So what happens?" Jake. Pshhh. I should've known he'd be interested in this as well.

"You see, my niece is not really.... normal." 'Normal? What the hell does she mean by that?' I thought.

We sat there for a moment, waiting for her to continue. "I want you to change or 'transform' her into a beautiful and normal girl... For her own good."

Hold up and freeze! Whaaaaaaat?

"Are you serious?! Why the fuck would we do that?! Do we look like stylists to you?" I asked aggressively while standing up.

"Because... If by chance, you succeed to turning her into a girl,  I won't ever charge you for staying at my mansion." She said, winking at us. Well, that is a great bargain if you ask me. And if you put it that way....

"REALLY?" Jake asked, grinning like a kid that received his favorite toy on Christmas.

 "Are you sure about that? Really? Seriously?"

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