Shy... But she's not shy at all

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Chapter Seven

Via's POV

I was mentally cursing 'The Four' in front of me which was making me feel a whole lot better about this situation I am currently in. At least I got the upper hand... in my mind.

And yes, I call them 'The Four' because well... I just want to.

"Hey guys! What's up?" A girl said.

I stood there gobsmacked with my mouth hung open because of the sight that I was seeing. A girl was currently standing 3 meters away from me looking as if she just walked off a photo shoot.... with casual clothes. Can she be more perfect?

"Hey it's Shylle!"

Shylle. Her name was just as unique as her, I wonder if was shy because----

"Hi! You're Via, right? I'm Shylle by the way or you could just call me Shy. Everyone calls me shy, well, only the people that is close to me."

Guess not. Well, her name is ironic though. Shy... But she's not shy at all.

"Hello? Oh my God. Are you okay?" She asked, looking worried. O-kay. Why would she be worried though?

"Yeah, I'm fine. I always get nosebleeds when I see beautiful people." I said, nursing my nose.

"O-kay. Hey Seth did you hear that? She said I'm pretty!"

"Really? Well, some people lie." Seth said sarcastically.

"Why are you so mean? Just agree with it."

"I'm always like this and you can do nothing about it. Deal with it."

"It's not funny!" She said, outraged.

"I'm not joking! You know what? Just shut up!"

"Wow. Nice comeback."

I can't take it anymore. I need to get out of here. There are so many beautiful people around.

"This is stupid. Let's just go." Seth said while dragging me. Really? Do I look like a rag doll to you?

Danesa's POV

"Did he really just drag her away?!" I asked. Who is this chick? She's not pretty but why the hell is she with the hottest guys in school?

"No way! His reputation would be ruined!" Anisa said.

"It's the end of the world!" Vanessa exclaimed. Yes, it is. I can feel it.

"This can't be happening." Lisa said worriedly.

Via's POV

This school stinks. Literally. This is why I don't go to public places. I receive too much attention for my liking. And not the good kind, either. Seriously, can't they just accept the fact that I look 'scary' and move on? I mean, they can do nothing about it. It's what I look like. It's just plain stupid. Their 'whispers' are so loud; I could probably hear it across the building.

I was currently standing in front of everyone in my class right now because the teacher thought that it would be okay to introduce me to everyone since I am a new student and all but can't they see that being the center of attention is just not my forté? Jeez.

The 'Big Four' is long gone and they left me in this wretched place -- which I am happy and angry about. Happy, because they are finally out of my sight and angry because these people were just plain stupid and it's their damn fault in the first place of why I'm here. Well, technically speaking, it's Aunt V's fault but she's not here for me to blame. I would've been fine being homeschooled! Ugh.

"This is the new transfer student in our school." The teacher said shakingly. Well, no shit, Sherlock. I thought bitterly. "This is Olvia Anderson."

All the whispers stopped when I started walking towards my seat which was located at the end of the room. It was dead silent for a while. They just watched me walking, like creepers.


Then, the whispers began.

"It's like the classroom suddenly felt cold."

"Yeah. Haunted."

"It's like we're surrounded by evil spirits."

I tuned out them out. 'None of that is new.' I thought. 'I'm used to it. I might not care but deep down, it stings but if you ever tell anyone that, I'll deny it immediately.'

Via's POV

I was sitting peacefully in my chair thinking about blood.

Yes, blood. The slime, red liquid that's important for your body.

I sighed.

Sometimes, I wish I was just a spider or maybe an insect. ooooh, I know! I'd be a mosquito. That way, I could suck blood and actually love the taste of it. Lika a vampire. I chuckled at the idea.

Click. Click.


"I am here right now to interview the new student that arrived with 'The Four'." A boy said while gaping at the camera. O-kay, what the hell is happening here?

"Let's see your face!" The camera man said. Hmmmm. I wonder if his blood tastes good. I smiled. God, I need help. Wait, did he just ask me to see my face?

That statement got me alarmed. "No, please!"

"I'm sure you're pretty to be with the hottest guys in school!" The boy said. 'What are you. Gay?'

"Yeah! Just show us your face! Don't be shy!" Shy is with The Four though...

They were advancing towards me and I got a bit scared....

Then, I ran.

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