It Was an Accident

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Chapter Five

Seth's POV

"Can you believe it? She's a normal girl after all." Nate said.

"She shouldn't let the opinion of others get to her. That's their opinion, it's not her reality." I said.

"She must really like that guy."

"But, what kind of guy would say something like that to a girl?" Nick wondered.

"A cunt. That's what. Even if a girl is ugly, he shouldn't say that. It's downright stupid. It'll crush the girl's heart and self-esteem into pieces." Nick answered.

"Wow, is that the time?! It's really late!" Jake said.

"Seth, can I shower first?" Nick asked. Hell no, dude. I got in here first.

"It looks like he'll go before you, then. Considering he's not making any move to let you in first."

Via's POV

"Two years. Two straight years. No one got to see what I looked like, no one. So how? How on earth can I cut my bangs?"


I went to the bathroom to take a shower. I sighed, "Why? Why do I have to go through all these bullshit?" I said to no one in particular while stripping my clothes.

I went to the shower and opened the door. I sighed again. 'Why does it seem like someone is using the shower?' I lifted my head to se Seth.

I gasped. Sweet niblets with sugar on top. What. The. Hell.

The rubber ducks that I was holding slipped in my hands letting Seth know that someone was intruding his shower.



He saw. The Greek God saw my ugly and very well naked body. I am screwed.

Cazzo la mia vita.

Seth’s POV

"Haaaa, haaaa, haaaa." I sniffed. Stupid god damn cold. If I'm gonna sneeze, then I'm gonna sneeze! If I won't then I won't! Why the hell does it leave a stupid retarded look on my fa--

I sneezed.

The Epitome of WeirdnessNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ