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(Kyle's Perespective)

It was finally the end of spring break. It was school again. Which meant drama again.

I get in Kenny's car, with Stan besides me.

"I know you guys won't believe me but Pip, Damien and those two other foreigner kids are coming back." Kenny told Stan and I.

"Christopher and Gregory?" Stan and I asked in union.

"Yeah I think." Kenny answered.

"Oh we already knew. Stan, Pip, Damien and I are really good friends." I told Kenny while Stan giggled.

"Oh really?" Kenny said in a VERY specific tone.

We arrived at school. We went in the hallways like we usually do.

And out of fucking thin air I hear those two similar voices that were supposed to come here along with two others.

"HEY MORTAL DUMB CUNTS" Damien yelled opening the doors.

"Oh its frenchie, demon kid, ice skater boy and 《I don't shower》 dude again." Cartman said in the crowd.

"It's the fatass. Oh look he's alone this time!" They all laughed at what Damien had said and Cartanm look pretty quiet and embarrassed from those words and stayed quiet.

"Hey fellas!" Pip ran to us dragging Damien by his side.

"Hey morts." Damien greeted.

"Morts? 'The fuck is a mort?" Kenny asked.

"Morts is short for mortals basically." Stan explained.

They all talk shit in front of everyone but I could only think about Cartman's face. It wasn't in a mockery way but more worried.

"Hey guys I need to go ti the bathroom a bit.. I'm having a bit of trouble breathing." I made a fake excused that believed!

"Ok! DM me if you need help!" Stan notified me.

"Why he need your help?" I heard Kenny ask.

"Non of your business dumb queer blond." Stan answered side eyeing Kenny.

Gosh he's funny and keeps my secrets. I'm the luckiest person on earth.

I go to the bathroom and drag Cartman in the bathroom.

"Kahl what the hell?!" He exclaimed.

"We need to talk." I said I  fixed my binder a bit in a manner to be able to breathe.

"What were you fixing." He asked me.

"Nothing.. Let's just talk" I answered.

"On which part were you sad about Damein said 'It's the fatass! Oh look he's alone this time!'?" I asked.

He started sweating even though it is fucking -5° C outside.

"Let's not talk about that." He tried to change the topic.

"Tell I won't judge."

"Dude. You do realize everything I try I fucking fail and end up the same way. You guys were my old friends. Now all I have is Kenny. Butters, Stan, Tweek, everyone hates me, he'll I made you life miserable and you still care if me if I get called fatss and if i ever feel uncomfortable.." He rambled on.

"Dude, Stan nor Butters hate you, they just can't stand how you act someone. Same for me. Honestly if you're making plans to kill and commit crimes then you're really cool. You're the Eric Theodore Cartman your mom and little brother see." I told Cartman.

He smiled and hugged me.

"Thanks Kyle."


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