039 / ENTRY 23 !

132 2 8

Stan, Kenny, Cartman and I have not been "The iconic 4" in a long while so... I'm gonna drag Cartamn in Kenny's car. If he gets mad, whatever because he has more money for lunch then all of us combined like 400$ or so. That part-time job is paying his ass 25 PER HOUR which is 125$ per day (working from 3pm to 8pm) that would make him 625$ per weeks which without the weekends (8 weekend) that would make him about approximately 3344$ per month and 40128 per year. Wait a minute did I really just calculate Kenny fucking network. (A/N: THERE WAS TOO MUCH PUT INTO THIS..🙁)

Kyle☆, 04/11/2023, 20:13

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