2. Inayat

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[ Six Months Ago]

Bullying at schools is bad but at a university it is atrocious. How do you become a significant target of being tyrannized by more powerful people ?
When you are an easy one . When you are a nobody . When you have no power backing you.

People think I'm really close to Zara so my life is similar to her but that is just a misconception . My friends are girls who belong to rich elite families along with having strong , powerful guys standing behind them so that nobody dares to raise eyes towards them.
There is Zara , the Mandhana's daughter. Her brother Abhimanyu Mandhana rules our university the DEU , Dream Elite University. So you get it ? She can crush anyone under her foot without even thinking. She is also the track queen .
Then there is Shruti Birla , seriously the master chef , she keeps to herself mostly, has another powerful guy, Shivay Raichand, the devil to keep her safe . If she points a finger towards anyone . They are done for .
Then there is Kainat Raisinghania , engaged to Devansh Thakkar , she has a God gifted mesmerizing voice and nobody dares to bother her .

Which leaves them with me , the weak limb . It's not that my family isn't a rich high-class ,Posh one . That is actually the reason I am a friend of them but there is one issue .

Zara's sidekick !
Shruti keeps her to bring food for them all .
Look she's carrying kai's bottle today what a brainless bitch . Can't she see, she's just a pawn .

I could say that I don't care and these things don't bother me but they do when the Bullying turns physical . When my locker is filled with an abusive letter , when my class desk has Zara's maid written over it . When they lock me in a washroom and I've to wait till my friends save me .
It is not their fault , not at all . They stand by me everytime but they can't be around always.

"I'll see you later okay " Zara says and she pats on my head when some girls standing in the hall giggle . She says I'm like her little sister so she treats me like that but our seniors shout Sidekick , sidekick, sidekick Everytime when none of them is around to save me.

"Don't let them bother you" shru speaks and I nod with a smile.
They walk towards their classes and I walk towards mine . Our semester hasn't started but Zara's brother Abhimanyu has arranged advance classes for us so that we can figure out which course would be best for us . There are no new admissions untill now except for us . As I enter inside the hell, I mean my class I find all chairs and desks are piled up ,one on top of the other.

"Do they Pay you to be their maid ?" A mean girl enters inside with her minions . Ironic how they call me a minion .

"What is your problem with me " I question as they laugh out loud .

"Bimbo, we don't have an issue with you but we hate girls who have like zero self respect. Come on have some" she waves her hands in front of her face . They all circle around me and I know something bad is going to happen , something really bad is going to happen .

"If you don't, we'll have to punish you "one with a chewing gum in her mouth speaks .

"She wreaks of coconut , how pathetic yuukkk" the other one says . I can tell dad but I don't want to be called the one helpless cry baby for life . I can fight my own battles myself.

"Leave me alone " I scream and the room goes silent. They look at each other and then nod . What did they do ?
"Fine , go die without self respect , maid of empress " they leave and I sit on the ground as tears pool in my eyes. I tuck a strand of hair behind my ear when I realize there is something in my hair .
My mum used to massage my hair with coconut oil so they are pretty long but not like Shruti's hair.

When I observe carefully , I realize there is chewing gum in my hair. Tears pool in my eyes as I get up and right now I need to go back but I can't with such a mess of my hair .

They'll laugh again . One of them comes back again.
"I forgot something " she speaks and yanks a chair from the piled up ones making them all come down . I place both hands on my head screaming . My head hurts so bad when a few chairs hit me .
"How are you gonna come out " another girl mocks as they all take out their phones to record.

There is no other option left , so I tie my hair in a bun . I'll have to cut them . My mom will be devastated . My hair have a few red highlighted stands and Zara told me the style looks pretty on me but now , I guess there will be no hair left to style.

"Look at her " they laugh "Here is our Empress Zara's top minion with a chewing gum in her hair trying to get out of a class ."

"She's so helpless"

Tears stream down my cheeks as I try to figure out a way to get up. My phone falls from my hand and I kneel down to get it out from under a desk which is itself lying upside down .

All of a sudden the desk vibrates , no the desks vibrate as I hear booming and blaring sounds . Someone moves a chair . Are they trying to break my head this time. I immediately move away from there leaving my phone as it is . When I look up, all of them have turned silent because there is someone hurling and tossing the furniture away . He is a tall guy looking like my age and is drop dead gorgeous. The girls are drooling over him and have forgotten about me . They stopped recording me and are busy taking his pics . The guy dressed in black jeans and t-shirt along with a black leather jacket . His hair are covering all of his forhead as he runs fingers between them while casually throwing away the heavy desks as if they are nothing. Soon he picks up my phone from the floor and gives me his hand to get up. I look at him for a second without any freaking clue .

"Do you want me to pick you up bridal style or
toss you over my shoulder " he questions with a poker face . I flinch and immediately take his hand to get up . He gives me my phone and then wraps an arm around around me .
What the--
"If anyone of you has a problem with her , you have a problem with me " he declares as a shiver runs down my spine .
I don't even know who he is .

"But z--- "

"You have a problem?" He tilts his head to the side as the girl shakes her head vigorously .

"Take my name once and loose a limb " he smirks before beginning to strut out of the class with his arm wrapped around me protectively .

When we walk through the hall, I stop and look at him " who are you"

"Is that your way of saying a thanyou? It's wierd " he smiles .

"No, thank you for helping me but I don't know you "

"I-- " he looks around as if he doesn't know his own name "I'm jahaan and you are "

I smile and offer a handshake "I'm Inayat"

"Beautiful name just like the face " he takes my hand as I giggle. But instantly the thought about my hair comes into my mind .

"I need to go I'll see you later" I rush away .

"But wa--"

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