Epilogue : Inayat

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I walk down the stairs to drink a glass of water but when I turn the light on someone instantly speaks.

"What are you doing here inayat "
Zain's mom walks towards me .

"I wanted water" I speak and she smiles .
"Wait , I'll help " she fills a glass of water and gives it to me .
When I take a sip , she caress my head with a smile.
"Thank you "

"Why " I question and tears pool in her eyes .

"What happened Aunty are you alright"

"You know when Zain was a little boy, he once had beaten a guy at school untill half dead . His dad got really angry at him and just in that moment my little baby boy thought his dad didn't want him and I know he thinks that untill today " she wipes her face " but when you came into his life , he changed completely. For one year he has been attending meditation classes and every month he gives a huge donation to NGOs which work for girls who have faced harassment and Bullying "

" he did ?"

She nods with a smile " and you know what , he has been learning how to make coconut candies " she chuckles.

" all of these are made by him " she points at few boxes kept one over the other .

"He never called me then I thought -- "

"He felt guilty so he was ashamed to talk it out , I know my son really well . Please stay with him " she hugs me and I nod .

"Mom ! " someone screams and I turn around to find Aliza , Zain's younger sister whom he hates and I hate her too.

"You let Archit choose a girl for himself and now that Zain too then why not me" she strolls closer.

" What can I do Ali, the guy doesn't like you "

"Why won't he look at me ? am I not pretty" she looks at her mom with puppy eyes.

"You are pretty Ali and you'll find a man for yourself " Mrs Oberoi takes her away while I open a box of candies .

"Umm.. they taste really nice"

"Do they " I turn around immideatly to find Zain .

"Did you make them for me "I smile .

"I thought about sending them with Archit many times but then I thought you won't like them "

"Huh ! " I pick another one while he suddenly grabs me from behind.

"Zain anyone can walk in on us , get away " I try to push him but he kisses my neck making me melt in his arms.

He turns me around as my back connects to the kitchen slab.

My lips crash on his as he turns the light off . He lifts me in his arms without breaking the kiss.

When he first came into my life , I knew I found my protective shield ,my best friend but now I know that I've found my soul mate. My other half. Zain oberoi is my life from now till the end .

He maybe vicious but is my Best Friend Forever and my life partner. 

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