10. Inayat

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"Don't tell me you saw it " she looks at me with a pale face .

"I'm sorry " I look at the ground as she slaps a hand on her forhead .

"Zain saw it too " I whisper .

"WHATTTTT!!!!!! " her eyes turn wide .

"I want to see it too ,what was it " kai tries to snatch her phone but shru runs into her room.

Zara immediately comes out of her room and as soon as she sees me , she pulls me into a hug .

"I'm sorry you had to go through all that alone " she whispers "you should have told me "

"I wasn't Alone " I mumble and she nods .
"No matter how irritating he is , I'll have to give that to him, I'm very happy that you had him "

"But then he did worse " I smile when her smile fades away .

"Everything will be alright " she cups my face .

"I hope "
I don't think that will be possible after whatever is going on in my life right now .
I go downstairs to find him waiting for me near the car. Agreeing for the date was a compulsion after he said we'll go to the candy shop .

"You'll be alright when I'm gone?" He asks while driving .
I immediately turn towards him and question " where are you going "

"Zara and Archit are going home and my brother wants me to go with them to pay a visit to our parents . Mom will be happy if I do so and I'll be back after a few weeks "

My heart sinks but I don't show it on my face .

"Yeah , why will I have any
Problems " I smile and he keeps that poker face on .
As he stops the car in front of the Cafe, I remove the seat belt and he immediately comes close to me . I shut my eyes as I breath his air .

"Are you sure about that coco"
I take a deep breath and mumble "yes "

"Such a liar you are " his lips come closer to mine and my reaction should be to pull away but I don't.
He looks at my lips and then at my eyes .
My heart begins pounding against my chest but he suddenly pulls away.

"Come on " he gets out of the car while I look at my face I the mirror .
"Damn I look like I've seen a ghost" I whisper before getting out .

"Long time no see Mr Oberoi " the girl at the Cafe speaks . I literally hate her so much because whenever we come here , she leaves no chance of flirting with Zain.

"Are you here for the coconut candies for your girlfriend" the aunt at the Cafe questions while I look at the girl with wide eyes.

"You have a girlfriend?" The girl questions with dissapointment.

"She's right here " he holds my shoulder .

"No , I--- "

"Now don't be shy babe ,tell me which ones will you like " he asks as I look at the multicolored candies and my mouth waters .

"I'm so confused " I speak placing hands on the glass case .

"Take all of them " the girl spits with infuriation and storms away .

"Yeap we'll take all of them " Zain mentions as the girl stops in her tracks.

"All of them? Are you serious" I speak and he nods.

"Yeah sure " the aunt brings a lot of boxes to pack the candies .

We take seat on the last table and instead of sitting across he sits next to me.

"I am not your girlfriend so stop spreading rumors " I whisper and he places a hand on my bare thigh . My spine jerks straight and goosebumps errupt on my skin .

"Why are you saying that Coco, I love you so much" he speaks and my heart freezes and then begins beating like a drum .
Calm down idiot he's kidding.

"Your face turned pale " he smiles and I push his hand away .

"Stop making jokes about love " I mumble and he replies "I wasn't joking "

"But--- "

"Here , your order is ready Mr oberoi, do you need anything else " the girl calls and he gets up .

He was kidding for sure. I Check my phone utill then to find a new text .

Unknown: I see that you are not at all affected by my words from earlier and are whoring yourself around for him . Don't have some shame ?

I exit the chat and place my phone aside to find a guy sitting in front of me .

"Are you waiting for me beautiful?" He smiles . There are a few other guys standing near his chair.
" because I've always been waiting for you " he speaks dramatically as all other laugh .
I get up from my seat but he grabs my wrist.

"You seriously have a death wish " I speak while he looks at me carefully .

"Aren't you the one getting bullied at the DEU " he asks and damn that stupid video "ohh my poor baby , I always knew those elites are bitches . Why don't you come to the BHU with us . We'll have fun together " he smirks and I yank my hand away from his grip as a metallic chair strikes on his head making him fall sideways on the ground. Zain comes forward still looking at the guy who is yelping with his face covered in blood .

"Ohh fuck , she's Zain's girl " one of them speaks and since they study at the BHU , they obviously know him very well .

"Did you just touch her " he growls .

"Zain calm down " I mumble as the aunt and the girl look at us with apprehension.

"This place is more important than your lives so come on get your asses out of here " he tells them and grabs my wrist and walks out near the car. That reminds me that we've had so many memories at this place.

"You don't have to make such a big deal out of it "

"It is a damn big deal, now get in the car " he orders as I see that in his eyes once more. The Sadism .My body shivers as he again growls "Now "

I open the door and immideatly get in to find those guys walking out. One is half conscious while other three are terrified like hell .

Without any warning he beats them like animals while I hide my face with my palms .
After a while when he doesn't stop , I get out of the car and grab his bicep .

"Calm down Zain , you've almost killed them "

"Get away inayat " he growls as he grabs the guy with his nape. Thank god the Cafe is in a secluded area but still there are many people to watch the show.

"Don't ever lay hands on what is mine " he threatens like a psychopath as a shiver runs down my spine .

"Please stop " I speak in a cracked voice and he finally looks at me after throwing the guy away like some garbage .

I run away from him towards the bridge and he rushes behind me .I just want to go away from him . I don't know what gets into him at times like these . I can no longer recognize him .

"Why are you running " he grabs me from behind .

My voice comes out broken and my face is drenched in tears when I speak " because you are a bloody psychopath"

Vicious Best Friend Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon