7. Inayat

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"why are you crying" I throw my book away and sprint towards Ishu , she went out with Kai and others for watching the boxing match while I and shru stayed back .
She literally storms inside the room and slams the door behind her. Ishani wouldn't react like that untill something is seriously wrong . I'm now getting worried .

"Ishu , what's wrong " shru asks .

"Leave me alone " she speaks . Everyone else is downstairs in the uni campus for the Championship. The entire BHU and IMU have come to our stadiums for various tournaments but I can't go because I'm forced to stay here .

"What's wrong with her " Crystal asks picking up a necklace that fell from Ishani's hand just now . It's a sky coloured little Butterfly pendant and It's the cutest necklace I've seen . That girl has the best stuff when it comes to cute collection.

All of a sudden my phone dings with a notification and I pull it out of my skirt's pocket.

Unknown : why don't you just die .

My spine jerks straight and my face turns pale when I Check the text . I suddenly feel suffocated as another notification comes . This time it is a video . It's of a few months back when I was in the locker room to change my clothes .

My heart freezes when I see the video.

Unknown : see ? Isn't it better to die ?

Inayat : who are you and why are you doing this ?

Unknown : I'm your approaching death and I hate you that's why.

It can be kavya but I don't think she's in a condition to send these texts when she's hospitalized after whatever Zain did.

Unknown: will he still want you when the entire country sees you naked? What will be left for him to see ? * laughing emogi*

I want to slam my phone on the wall but then I notice there are shru and Crystal here . I get up and sprint out of the apartment.

Unknown : the moment you tell anyone , this video will go viral and it's not the only one I have .

My body trembles as I walk down the stairs and then towards the racing stadium. There are thousands of people shouting and cheering but I don't know where and why I am going . I feel like everything has ended . Life is over for me .My dad's reputation, my,social image and my career. Everything is over .I turn around to leave but my forhead hits someone's chest . When I look up through my hair covering half my face, I see Zain .

"I told you not to come down Coco, didn't you register the fucking point ? " He glares at me as tears pool in my eyes.

will he still want you when the entire country sees you naked? What will be left for him to see ?

I sidestep him and stroll forward but he grabs my elbow and yanks me back .

"Why are you crying ? "

I quickly wipe my face and shake my head . If I speak , I will definitely start yelping.

"Did anyone trouble you again ? Answer me Coco "

"Let go off me " I try to snatch my arm from his firm grip . He grabs my upper arm and drags me away from the stadium to an empty classroom .

"Who made you cry? Just gimme the fucking name " he asks. I just know he won't let go untill I give him a reason.
So I speak What will make him leave me alone right now .

"YOU , Because I hate you, I fucking hate you so much can't you see it . Leave me the fuck alone Zain Oberoi .Just Get lost "

He doesn't even flinch , he doesn't even clench his fist like last time .

"Why.did.you.cry " he deadpans. "Don't make me use other ways when you are already in tears .

"Why don't you get it ? " I scream " why can't you see it , so many girls can die to have you then why me , go away "

He grabs my upper arms and pins me to the wall . "Nobody is you so cut the chase and stop crying . I hate it when you cry "

"So let me be , leave me alone" I deadpan.

"Will you not " he clenches his fist and unclenches it " ever be happy with me?"

Without thinking again , I just say "No , never "

He takes a step away from me and the door opens suddenly.

A guy from my class ,Varun , steps in .
"I'm sorry I've been told to check the classes from time to time since the students of other universities are here today "

"Fuck off " Zain growls but I intervene "it's, it's okay Varun . Nobody is here , you can check further "

"Thank you inu , I'll see you later "

"INAYAT " he makes a correction while the poor guy nods and smiles.

"Who was that punk "

"A classmate " I say before heading out but again he grabs my elbow and from the pocket of his jacket , he takes out a small box .

"I got these for you but I don't think you need them anymore so I'll leave it here " he places it on a desk and storms out .

My heart sinks to my stomach when he exits .
"You don't know how much I need a hug " I whisper when I walk towards the desk and pick up the box . It's a nude coloured box inside which there are coconut candies . There is a cafeteria near the Hunters University who have the best Coconut candies ever. We used to go there every single day untill obviously the truth revealed.

I pick the box and leave the room . When I reach back at the apartment, there is everyone except for Zara.

"Where is Zara " I question and shruti replies "she has gone to see off Archit ."

"What's with the long face " she asks and I shake my head "nothing "

I walk inside my room and cry my heart out . Now I really think death is better than this .

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