Chapter 7: Ambushed, Lady Dark's Birth and Secrets Revealed

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Marinette POV

"Wake up, Mari-Trash!" A voice called.

I opened my eyes and found myself chained to a chair. Surrounding me were a group of masked thugs and in front of me is Lila herself, smirking smugly at me.

"What the-? Where am I? Where's Troy?" I groaned.

"He's not here. Do you honestly think that he would bring you to a place like this?" She replied.

I took some time to collect my thoughts. I remembered making my way to school until I got a text from Troy saying he wants to meet me in the basement. As soon as I arrived, I remembered getting knocked out by someone and now here we are.

"Troy never sent that text. It was one of your sheep." I growled.

"Now you're catching on. Too bad you realised too late. Your friends and parents won't be able to find you. And your new boy toy, Arachno will be mine. Also, Troy will get what's coming to him once I retrieve my phone." She said.

"You won't get away with this, Lila!" I shouted.

"I've already won, Mari-Trash." Lila replied as she left.

The thugs started beating me up, leaving cuts, scrapes and bruises on my body. I tried to fight back, but all my attempts were pointless. After 30 minutes, they finally left me in a pool of my own blood. Despite Tikki's attempts at healing me, I was too dizzy to get up. 

My dizziness slowly turned into rage and hatred.

Lila made me an outcast. The Akuma Class treated me and my friends like dirt. I looked up and saw an akuma advancing towards me and rested on my hand, urging me into taking it. Part of me wants to resist, but the temptation was too great for me to ignore.

"Marinette, don't! Lila will get what's coming to her, but not like this." Tikki pleaded.

"Sorry, Tikki. But, I'm not waiting around for Lila to get what she deserves. I'll deal with her my own way. Even if I have to destroy Paris to do so." I said as I swapped to Ladybug and pressed the akuma onto my yo-yo. 

"Ladybug. Now, this is a surprise." Hawkmoth said, not hiding the smile in his voice.

"Ladybug has left the building, Hawkmoth. I'll give you my miraculous along with Chat Noir's if you help me give Lila Rossi what she deserves." I replied.

Hawkmoth went silent for a moment, as if he was taking in what I said. Eventually, he replied.

"If you can destroy that wretched Arachno, then we have a deal." 

I thought back to the promise that I made to Arachno and wondered how upset he would be if he was forced to fight me to save Lila and my former friends. I thought about what would happen if Paris saw Ladybug as the villain. The one who threw a way her morals for revenge.

Lila deserves our vengeance. Anyone would do the same. I thought.

"I don't want to hurt Arachno. But I'll do what I can to ensure that he stays out of the way." I said.

Darkness surrounded me and I found myself in my Ladybug attire, but it was black with purple spots and gloves with matching plimsolls and a black and purple mask. I smiled, swapped to my civilian form and made my way to my hiding spot.

Troy POV

"This is legit, right?" Alya asked as she looked through Lila's phone after I explained everything to her and the gang.

"No doubt it's real. Lila's behind the suicide of four different students in different schools. Including Elena Wilder." I replied.

The gang perked up at the sound of Elena Wilder's name. I noticed that their expressions were grim and bitter, most especially Chloe's.

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