Chapter 8: Lila's confession and Lady Dark's freedom

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Lila POV

I groaned as I found myself chained to the Eiffel Tower, surrounded by all the Parisians and an enraged Lady Dark. I looked to my side and saw The Akuma class chained up and bruised like a prisoner in a dungeon. Lady Dark advanced towards me and smirked as she waved a hand over my face. Symbols appeared on my body and face.

"Now, Lila. You will tell us the truth. If you lie, your body will burn in pain." She said.

"I've been telling the truth, Ladybug!" I roared, only to scream out in pain.

"You're lying~. Better answer my questions or you'll die~." She taunted.

I sighed and nodded.

"Lila Rossi, did I bully you?" Lady Dark asked.

"No, I lied about you bullying me." I replied in an hypnotic voice.

The crowd gasped.

"How did you obtain those bruises?" She asked.

"I used makeup to make fake bruises and made it look like a got them from Marinette." I answered.

The crowd murmured.

"Pretty convincing. Last question. Why do you lie?" She asked.

"To hide my true self. I never saved Jagged Stone's cat. I was never best friends with Ladybug. Nor was I a descendent of a superhero." I said.

Lady Dark chuckled and snapped her fingers. The marks disappeared from my body. I turned to look at my friends, only to find out that they jeered at me and called me a liar. Tears leaked from my eyes as Lady Dark laughed.

"Now, you see that I was the victim, not Lila. I guess it doesn't matter. Because, I'm going to get rid of you once and for all." She said and summoned a scythe from her yo-yo.

"That's not the only thing!" A voice called.

We looked and saw Rena Rouge and Queen Bee on the roof alongside Arachno, who was perched on the edge. Rena used Mirage to summon a large projector, revealing all the victims that I've dealt with in the past.

"Lila Rossi has also indirectly murdered these students before she targeted Marinette. Including my-. I mean, Chloe's friend Elena Wilder. Just like with Marinette, she made fake rumours about them and caused almost everyone to turn against them and bully them to the point they took their lives." Queen Bee called.

"THEY'RE LYING! I NEVER KILLED THEM!" I roared, only for the marks to reappear on my body and burn me.

"So. You tried to end Marinette's life indirectly. Well, too bad. You failed. And now, you will die!" Lady Dark said as she swung her scythe at me.

Suddenly, Chat Noir appeared and kicked her down to the roof. He used his Cataclysm on the chains and set me down onto the ground. The police officers grabbed me and cuffed me to their car.

Troy POV

As Lady Dark recovered, I stood next to the girl in the fox suit and the girl in the bee suit while Chat Noir scowled at me with malice.

"So, you two must be Rena Rouge and Queen Bee. Nice to meet you two." I said.

"Likewise. Also, I changed my name to Honey Bee. For obvious reasons." Queen Bee replied.

"Great. Now, he's flirting with our allies. He's already kissed Ladybug." Chat Noir grumbled.

"WHAT!?" Rena Rouge gasped.

"Really!?" Honey Bee added while I groaned.

"Guys, can we not do this right no-. WATCH OUT!"

We dodged Lady Dark's scythe, which she swiped at us. Honey Bee landed and hurled her spinning top at her. She deflected it with ease. I fired my webbing at her, only for her to evade it again and slash at me with her scythe, cutting my chest. Chat Noir and Rena Rouge teamed up and forced her back with a barrage of staff attack while I hopped over them and kicked her in the face, knocking her back.

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