Chapter 8

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Mon's POV

It was her first day back at the office in almost 3 years but it still felt like the very first time at Diversity as the nerves started to set it.

 Here goes nothing,she said to herself as she entered the office floors.

Okay where's I too early?Mon checked her watched because she wasn't sure what was going on because the place looked deserted.Maybe I should check the meeting room..

On her way she couldn't help to notice the name Samanan Anantrakul that was written in big and bold letters on the office door,so typical of her and she also changed offices Mon noticed as she came to stand in front of it.She inhaled as Sam's scent was still lingering fresh in the air,Miss Dior, she smirked as she remembered those steamy make out sessions that once took place inside of her old office,to the point that Yha caught them red handed but kept her mouth shut,Mon still gets embarrassed, even thinking about at this very moment,but she wasn't the only one.She let out a light chuckle as she remembers how a nervous Sam tried to be romantic with candies and candlelight,attempting the silliest of moves to seduce her,the Khun Sam who prided herself in having it all figured out, but she didn't, Mon thought as she shook off t memory that put her back in her sullen mood.The meeting room,she whispered to herself.

When she got their she hesitantly took the first step and was met by a pair of doe eyes who was staring deep into her soul while addressing the staff.

When she got their she hesitantly took the first step and was met by a pair of doe eyes who was staring deep into her soul while addressing the staff

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" I thought she had served her purpose,but apparently not " came Sam's voice.

Mon blushed. not only was she drawn in by Sam's immaculate beauty she also couldn't help to think that she was the one who Sam was refering to when she made that statement but she quickly got rid of the idea as she was brought back to reality when she heard the gasps of the people and the screetching voices of Auntee Mhee and Noi who was practically all over he and as happy as she was to see them she found it hard to keep her eyes off Sam.

A few minutes has passed in Auntee Mhee and Noi's company when Sam all of a sudden came up to her, apparently in a bad mood demanding Mon to come see her in her office.

"If Monday was a person..Mon thought.."

After talking to Yha she made her way upstairs with a heavy heart.

She's like the damn weather Mon thought,why couldn't she at least wait until tomorrow or next week.I'm not exactly happy to see her either and if anyone should be angry it should be me but unlike her I'm an adult and I'm not going to let her drag me down to her level and walk around like I have a stick up my ass,not going to happen.

That's right, you are so much better than that,we are rooting for you girl, her inner voice cheered as she mentally prepared herself.Go ahead, be your cute self and knock, she's waiting.

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